View Full Version : where else to post VX for sale in- Houston TX........

06/28/2006, 12:40 PM
I'm sad that I'm having to do this :(
I wish I would have known about this site in the year that I had my VX....i actually found it bc I want someone to have my VX who will love it as much as I do, so I did a little searching and came upon it. I'm hoping to find my VX a good home.

Any other places recommended for posting VX for sale (I already have it in the right place on this site??

06/28/2006, 09:19 PM
You can try ebay, But I would stay away from autotrader.com there's 60+ Vcrosses there,,unless the price is cheap...Good luck..

06/29/2006, 12:37 PM
thanks! I think I'll go ahead and put a sign on it also, haven't done that yet.....
so if you're in Houston and see a '99 silver with a 4 sale sign on it, that's me!! :p

06/29/2006, 02:27 PM
you could try craigslist.. i dont have any experience buying or selling cars there... but have bought/sold small stuff without any trouble

07/07/2006, 05:53 AM
thanks.....gotten a couple bites so far.....i know I've gotta do this, but it's harder to "let go" than I thought!!

07/07/2006, 07:58 AM
Come on out Katy way on the 15th and join us for the summer get-together. We usually head out somewhere for dinner, en masse, and it always brings out the curious.
Catastrophe Bond Forum (http://www.insurance-forums.org/catastrophe-bond/)

07/13/2006, 11:01 AM
Callmesti - I am interested in buying a VX. Please PM me with the particulars. Thanks. Chip

07/14/2006, 11:38 PM
You don't happen to live around TC Jester and Ella do you? I have seen a silver VX in the area there a couple of times, my friends also have reported seeing a silver one on the U of H campus. Anyways, I hope you can make it out to the get together at George's should be fun.
Also I know that member Javelin_Thrower on here lives in Houston, and is looking for a VX very soon. Feel free to contact him or me, I can relay the info to him.

07/17/2006, 05:41 AM
I don't live over by TC Jester and Ella, or go to U of H.....but, I know there is another Silver one somewhere over here in Spring though. I see it sometimes.....
I talked to Javelin_Thrower this weekend, he's going to call me to come see my VX, or he's supposed to. My cell phone has been having issues with receiving incoming calls, so I hope I don't miss him!
how was the gathering in Katy? we already had plans, sorry I missed it!!