View Full Version : Opticom

06/28/2006, 04:09 PM
Didn't want to hijack the other thread so I figured I'd run a new one here. It was mentioned that it is possible to purchase an opticom trigger to switch traffic lights from red to green as you approach. Additionally Joe made an astute observation that fewer folks seem to be yielding the right of way to an emergency vehicle. As someone who drives said vehicle I'll give you my thoughts on both issues. Feel free to chime right in.......

First, the opticom trigger deal. Should you have one and switch the light near the unsuspected presence of a police officer...may God pity your soul. I can't think of many other foolish ideas that rival manipulating a traffic control device for your own needs. People, is anything in your life so important that you can't find 60 additional seconds to wait for the light to change to green? While on patrol I have yet to find one of these in anyone's car. Should I however I'd try to give the hapless individual enough citation paper work to wallpaper a small bathroom (non functioning windshield wiper fluid despensers is a local obscure traffic offense-I can come up with others as well ). Please, as a VX owner to other VX owners, leave the light cycling to emergency vehicles.

As to the often forgotten "yielding the right of way" here is observation from the other end-the driver that is running with lights & siren. Trust me when I tell you that one of the most frightening things an officer has to deal with is bearing down on traffic at speeds nearing triple digits. My guess is as good as yours as to what you're going to do as I approach. I've had people go left, right, backwards, and totally disregard my lights & siren. Scary stuff.

There is probably no one on this forum that hasn't run a light (or 7) in their driving careers. It's kinda why I'm more of a "give a good tongue lashing and let 'em go" as opposed to a "ticket writing machine". But messing with traffic lights and disregarding emergency vehicles is only gonna get someone hurt eventually. Pray to God it's not one of the good people that hang here.

PS- As mentioned in other thread- don't stop in opposite direction traffic when a barrier exists (i.e. freeway) for police/fire. It tends to make a big messy
ANAL TRAI (http://www.****tube.com/video/10705/hardcore-gay-anal-****-train)

06/28/2006, 04:33 PM
Sorry George, shoulda kept my trap shut! :( One of those knee-jerk "informative" moments.

Oh, I don't have one. I manage my traffic speed by leaving early. :p

06/28/2006, 04:46 PM
Wasn't hammering you my friend. I suspect we might be in agreement on this issue anyway.
BODY SCIENCE (http://bodyscience.ws/)

06/29/2006, 09:18 AM
Well said geshaw, fully agree with you ;)

06/30/2006, 07:15 PM
By the tone of your response I'm betting your a policeman......(copological indicator) did I win the grand prize? I of course am a fireman (evidence destruction technichian). Yes, people definately do a lot of stupid things as we approach them doing mach 10. Their response is totally unpredictable. If I were a betting man I'd bet a lot of money that if I were to die in the line of duty it wouldn't be in a fire, but on the way to one. Hope it never happens. Anyway, in regard to me bringing up the opticom on this site I just mention it because it is a neat bit of technology. As metionioned by our friend in law enforcement, anyone who tries to switch the signals by any means as a result of what they read here you derserve any tickets or injuries you get. ( and you will get them, its just a matter of when). The "little bird " that told me he did it with his headlights did get a ticket, and almost got kicked out of the fire academy. Those of us in EMS are required to complete an emergency vehicles operations course (annually) to teach us how to anticipate and react to other drivers while running "signal 10". Even with this training driving on city streets an those speeds with lights and sirens is very terrifying. other drivers do'nt respond (drive) like they normally would when they see flashing lights. they freak out and panic. Anyway, to you and anyone else in ems on this site. good luck and stay safe!!! Chris