View Full Version : Colorado Zu

06/29/2006, 10:08 AM
I won't be there but for anyone interested here is the info for COLORDO ZU 8 (http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=898692&page=1&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1)

06/30/2006, 08:01 AM
COZU!! Yeehaw!!

Bimati, biju, pbkid...let's start pulling it together.

06/30/2006, 11:15 AM
I just peed a little!

Might even have the VX lifted by then. (Identical to Ldub).

Is it August yet? :p

06/30/2006, 12:17 PM
ya know... you DONT have to wait for the events to go wheelin.

Shoot. Ive been out in some shape or fashion every weekend since Moab 'Zu Zoo.

I throw out invites here, but the easiest wasy is to follow the trailseekers mail list.

Look forward to seeing you in BV, or on the trail before hand.

BTW, Wheeler Lake this sunday 7/2 meet @ trailhead 11A.

07/19/2006, 05:37 AM
I might actually be able to go... Not just because it's an 'event' but because I don't foresee any weddings, funerals, birthdays or family visits during that time...!

Yeah, it's been mad crazy lately.

So - which VX'ers are going?


07/19/2006, 05:59 AM
I'm planning on at least a few trails at Zu. It still depends upon what the Gods of business and commerce throw at me during those dates.


07/22/2006, 06:13 PM
yea im agreeing with bimati, it depends on work and money for me....if i have the money and can get off work...ILL BE THERE! but the biggest thing is work, im almost full time now so its kinda hard sometimes. look forward to seeing everyone if i could make it thou

08/07/2006, 06:22 AM
So Im assuming that none of you people will be there?

08/07/2006, 07:10 AM

We're trying to pull it together.

I'm definitely going, but it might just be a day trip for me. Waiting to see how my weekend shakes out.

08/07/2006, 07:22 AM

I'll pull in friday late, or saturday early - to join the saturday outting(s).

beeemahtee - might be a good time to try out your new wheels/tires/lift?!!!

mshardeman - hit me back, lemme know if you wanna coordinate, etc...

Scott, will we see you there?

Jack - I think you're comin' down *sick* and won't be able to make it to work this coming weekend?...

Anybody else?


08/07/2006, 08:35 AM
I may be able to make it, but I would only be able to come for one day. Would love to meet you all! Just keep me updated please.

08/07/2006, 08:44 AM
I appears as though it will be a day trip for me, but the new shoes are itchin' for a trail. :)

08/07/2006, 01:04 PM
Well geez... I feel like such an OUTSIDER that it just felt right to say that... LOL No offense and you know it. Yall dont have THAT thin of skin now do you? :p

So anyway, you are coming down for Sat only? :rolleyes: what a waste! :cool:

Even though I have plans thurs afternoon/evening, I still plan to be there for fridays run (whether I leave @ 10PM thurs, or 5AM fri.)
Prefer to leave late thurs, to get there, set up the tent and crach for a few hours prior to a run.

I will get at least two runs in, and perhaps a run in on the return trip Wheeler Lake or Red Cone/Webster...

Whatcha got? You staying @ the KOA with the rest of us?

08/07/2006, 01:17 PM
Saturday for sure. Couldn't get any other days off. I'mma bringin' my camp gear just in case... no promises though.

I'm excited to go!


08/07/2006, 07:38 PM
dont you make your own schedule? :confused:

Just take off Thur night and run the trails on Fri. too. :evil:

08/07/2006, 07:52 PM
just met with bimati and pbkid today for lunch. looks like they'll be joining in the reindeer games on saturday as well... :) :) :)

i'm now thinking it would make sense to just take off friday afternoon/evening, and set up camp so I'm fresh and ready on sat a.m. if anybody's gonna do the same let me know and we can meet up to drive together... :p


08/08/2006, 04:37 AM
:evil: I knew you would see it that way...

Lets head out Thur night ~10ish... get there set up, and run Fri morning. Nothing will be leaving until after 9-930ish.

Much better than leaving ~5ish Fri morn getting tere, unloading and setting up after the trail run.

Either way will work out fine... Lets figure it out. In the next day and a half, I need to determine whether I am putting the doors back on, and various other scenarios/supplies I will be taking.

08/08/2006, 07:09 PM
I've tried to get the time but I'm right in the middle of an op and can't get away... :( One of these days, I'm actually gonna get to a Co'Zu.. Especially since I live here!!! If things change I'll get up there like Saturday but don't count on it..

08/09/2006, 06:50 AM
I'm finding out that I won't be able to make it either. The project that I'm working on has a deadline Monday, so I'll probably be in the office all weekend while you guys are out wheelin'. :(

Make sure to take pictures and post stories for those of us who can't make it.

We'll have to start getting the Colorado fall VX run together soon.

Have fun and be safe.

08/09/2006, 05:53 PM
Mark - sad to hear this, but understand. Maybe there will be another VX fall colors meet where we can hook up?

Scott - hope you can make it, even if it's for the day (saturday). Would love to catch up with you.

vxDAKINECHICKvx - you going to be able to make it?


08/09/2006, 06:00 PM
I SO wish I could doo the zu in CO...Color me envious.
Have fun ya scallywag...Rrrrrr. :p

Re-watch Johnny Dangerously..."take a break kid, crime will be there when ya get back!" ;)

08/11/2006, 09:59 AM
LDIZZLE!!! I'm gonna go walk (crawl) aboot in the VX to find me mother, and try out this new 80" lift I just got. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

monch, pb, bim - I'm heading out in just a few hours. hope to see all you chillins there....!
