View Full Version : auto lock feature...

07/06/2006, 08:29 AM
Does anyone know how to turn off (if possible) the auto-lock feature of the stock security system?

I can press my clicker to open the driver's side door, then go around the back, open the tail-gate, put my crap in, close the tail-gate, and then the auto lock feature kicks in and locks my doors for me, which is annoying. Is there a way to shut this off?

Thanks - Bart

07/06/2006, 08:45 AM
According to the VX keyless entry system manual, the automatic relocking feature "can not be defeated".
But you don't really need to click the remote before opening the back door because opening that door does not set off the alarm.

07/06/2006, 10:27 AM
It only arms if the door is not opened. You can add a pin switch or popper to the back door so that when it is opened, it will stop the countdown (so when you close it when the alarm has already armed it won't go off). Or you can add a pulse transmitter that activates when the alarm disarms and sends a pulse telling the alarm the door has been opened even if it hasn't.

07/06/2006, 10:39 AM
The door popper kit that Tone sells on his web site adds the "pin-switch" to the rear door, which will tie it into the alarm system. My aftermarket alarm systems allows you to program the remote to activate the popper, which allows you to open the rear door and deactivate the alarm from the key fob. You can probably do this with the "option" button on the stock keyless entry fob, but you'd have to check the manual.

07/06/2006, 11:28 AM
Cool, thanks guys. There is about $3000 (probably actually more) worth of mods I still want to do, and the door popper is on the list.

Good to know,


07/06/2006, 01:16 PM
...There is about $3000 (probably actually more) worth of mods I still want to do...

Yeah, $3000 will barely get you a supercharger! I've dumped tens of thousands into mine over 7 years and I've still got another $10k worth of mods I'd like to do. ;Db;

07/06/2006, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I was probably being a little too hopeful there. My list so far is:

1) New rims & tires
2) Repair dent on back
3) Roof Rack
3) Tint
4) Tone's Hitch
5) Ron's Front and Rear ABS Skid Plates
6) Door Popper
7) Some sort of brighter lights
8) Reverse Camera
9) Possibly remove back seats
10) New sound system

Hmmm, sounds like a lot more than $3000 indeed. :)


Yeah, $3000 will barely get you a supercharger! I've dumped tens of thousands into mine over 7 years and I've still got another $10k worth of mods I'd like to do. ;Db;

07/06/2006, 02:31 PM
Yeah, $3000 will barely get you a supercharger! I've dumped tens of thousands into mine over 7 years and I've still got another $10k worth of mods I'd like to do. ;Db;

Man, do I hear that !!! Every time I turn around I see something else I wanna add...It's like off road crack.
Fortunately I've got no wife, no kids, no pets, low rent & a so-so job for a non college edumacated schlub like me. :p
With a better job, I'd be in VX heaven! :deadgray: :angel:

07/06/2006, 02:55 PM
oh yea my 'to do' list for the vx is about a half mile long... unfortunately, the list of student loans i have to pay is about that long too.. and still growing, as soon as the big bucks start rolling in, ill be handing much of it over to tone! haha

what i usually do when i come up to my vx is unlock the doors via remote and just pull the handle on the drivers side door so it just cracks open, then i go to the back and load up, this way i dont have to worry about it locking back up on me AND at night the dome light stays on as long as i need it to!

07/06/2006, 06:50 PM
Yeah, buying a VX has really created yet another money sucking hobby for me to live paycheck to paycheck enjoying!

The auto lock thing isn't really a huge problem, just kind of annoying...


07/06/2006, 08:40 PM
I remember this one day, I was loading the back. I had hit the unlock button on my remote and then started loading, then closed the back door. Some how, I still cant remembember how, I had loaded my keys with the rest of the stuff in the back. When I finally realized that my keys could only be in the VX, I had ran to the front driver side door, knowing about the autolock, right as my finger tips hit the handle the autolock kicked in and locked myself out of the car and my apt, on a rainy day!!!

bleh, ooh well, ended up spending like 60 bucks here in Vegas to get it unlocked, and waited an hour and a half sitting in the rain.

07/07/2006, 08:22 AM
Man, do I hear that !!! Every time I turn around I see something else I wanna add...It's like off road crack.
Fortunately I've got no wife, no kids, no pets, low rent & a so-so job for a non college edumacated schlub like me. :p
With a better job, I'd be in VX heaven! :deadgray: :angel:

Fortunately I've got a wife that understands that my hobbies is where a lot of my extra money goes. I guess since one of my hobbies is doing home improvement work, she lets the other money sinks (like my cars, computers, and electronics) slide. Plus I think she gets some enjoyment out of them too. At any rate, since I got out of the Army and have a little more money, it's been game on again for the VX mods! I'm still hoping to squeeze a supercharger out of the budget some time soon. ;Db;

As far as using your rear door, I don't think the rear door ties into the stock keyless entry / alarm system anyway, does it? I've got an aftermarket system, but I thought that you didn't need to "unlock/disarm" with the remote before opening that door - you can just unlock with the key, right?

07/07/2006, 08:40 AM
This is exactly the kind of thing that annoys me about the auto lock feature. You can really screw yourself with that!


I remember this one day, I was loading the back. I had hit the unlock button on my remote and then started loading, then closed the back door. Some how, I still cant remembember how, I had loaded my keys with the rest of the stuff in the back. When I finally realized that my keys could only be in the VX, I had ran to the front driver side door, knowing about the autolock, right as my finger tips hit the handle the autolock kicked in and locked myself out of the car and my apt, on a rainy day!!!

bleh, ooh well, ended up spending like 60 bucks here in Vegas to get it unlocked, and waited an hour and a half sitting in the rain.