View Full Version : The VX's lil sister

07/10/2006, 07:38 AM
Well, I finally got around to getting a pic of her. This is with the 18x7.5 Motegi's with Yoko rubber and the Stage2 Cobb suspension system. She is my daily commuter and allows the VX to stay in the garage until weekends and to preserve his great looks. ;)


STILL need to get the damned S/C put in the VX too. Been dragging my feet on that one for over 2 years now. Sitting in a box in my basement collecting dust. Then again, the VX still needs new rubber and perhaps a new sub amp as well, since I think I blew it. >.<

07/10/2006, 07:57 AM
Sweet! I dig those rims.

07/10/2006, 08:52 AM
I can solve the supercharger problem, give it to me. I'll be sure to have it installed within a week.



07/10/2006, 10:18 AM
ditto on the S/C :)

07/10/2006, 05:00 PM
ditto on the S/C :)

:_wtf: ;wtf; ...you goin' soft on the STOCK DESIGN aspect of your VX ???

who are you & what have you done with maugan ! :laughing:

07/10/2006, 06:30 PM
Hotness! Congrats!

07/10/2006, 06:32 PM
Funny - my SC has been sitting in the basement over 2 years - I was part of the first group buy that Tone did. Seems there's always something else to take up my time...

-- John

07/10/2006, 06:49 PM
Glad you decided to keep the vx as well

07/10/2006, 08:20 PM
man, what an all-wheel-drive addict! i was expecting your location to be alaska :)