View Full Version : Front wheel center bore

07/29/2006, 05:04 PM
Anybody have experience with modifying certer bore sizes/grinding down front "hub" to fit wheels?

Here's the dilio: The stock wheel has a center bore of more or less 100mm, and the center caps are aesthetic, not structural, because the front hub is built like a brick sh*t house.

Some wheels I own have a center bore of about 80MM with structural caps, meaning that the hub underneath can be as thin as tinfoil if need be.

So the question is this: Can I start grinding down the front hub nub (where those huge alan bolts are) to fit my smaller center bore wheels? I don't have much room to start increasing the center bore size on the wheels.

Thanks in advance people.

07/29/2006, 05:41 PM
When in dought ....buy new wheels

with the proper bore! You can sell your other wheels to help fund the new ones.

07/29/2006, 06:56 PM
It's far easier (and less insane) to take your wheels to a machine shop and have them bored to the proper diameter. Grinding down the hubs is like removing bone from the perimeter of your skull to make a tight hat fit. Just adjust the hat.

07/29/2006, 07:41 PM
now thats an analogy!! I think its called an analogy ayway lol

07/29/2006, 07:57 PM
It's far easier (and less insane) to take your wheels to a machine shop and have them bored to the proper diameter. Grinding down the hubs is like removing bone from the perimeter of your skull to make a tight hat fit. Just adjust the hat.

Agreed. I've had some wheels machined to work with the VX. They'll look much better if machined, but more importantly, they'll be more structurally sound if the final edges are machined rather than grinded to semi-rough edges.

You may have to drive the VX to the machine shop and take one of the wheels off so a few measurements can be taken, but any machinist worth his/her salt should be able to handle that no problem.

07/30/2006, 03:26 AM
Hats are adjustable? Crap.

07/30/2006, 06:05 AM
Hats are adjustable? Crap.
ROTFL!!! :laugho:

07/30/2006, 05:22 PM
I machined a relief in the back side of my 22s to fit the hub, which is the same size as yours. Mine started out at 76mm and ended up at 108mm in diameter and 3/8" in depth, i did all four wheels so i can rotate everywhere. Most machine shops would probibly change around three hours of labor to do this type of work plus tooling because chrome can really tear up tool inserts.