View Full Version : Birth announcement.

08/11/2006, 06:54 PM
Shannon & James Bruns would like to formally announce the birth of their son.
Max Aaron Bruns
born July 5th 2006
19 & 1/4" Long
He was born almost one month Premature by the computers measurements so he is pretty small, but growing everyday. He still fits in Premie stuff(But outflows the premie diapers!!!).

Little MAx was in the New Born Icu for a little while as he had some breathing problems. Mother and Child are home now and doing wonderful. If you would like to give little Max a gift he is regestered at
Babies R Us. The regestry number is 53672814, or it can be looked up in the baby regestry section under the Mother's info.
You can save shipping by calling the store here in Meridian Idaho and getting the item there. All items will be removed from the regestry so items will not be duplicated.

A HUGE thanks goes out to Jonnie for the Baby Bootie Max received today.

08/12/2006, 03:57 PM
Congratulations James.

08/13/2006, 06:55 PM
We appreciate every day :)

08/15/2006, 05:33 PM
if someone will post a pic for us, that would be awesome???

08/15/2006, 05:49 PM
if someone will post a pic for us, that would be awesome???

Sure...how about this one ?


Or, email the one you want posted to me. ;)
BTW, Big congrats to Ma & Pa Spazz !

08/15/2006, 06:22 PM
Congrats for the both of ya!!!!

08/15/2006, 08:20 PM
Grats! Good things come in small packages! Look at the VX! :D

08/16/2006, 12:05 PM
Ldub sorry it took me a while to post back, but I was in the hospital getting a liver biopsy(Liver failure...Depleted Uranium exposure in the Gulf). :mad:

I'll send you a pic here in a few minutes, if you would post it here for all to see that would be awesome!!!! :cool:

Thanks everyone else for the thoughts.

08/16/2006, 02:58 PM
No prob James, hope you & yours start getting the OTHER end of the stick real soon !



Max is a fine looking lad!...you're right, he does favor his daddys side of the fam.