View Full Version : Acura NSX

08/12/2006, 10:05 AM
Have any of you tuned into the NSXPRIME.com web site and noticed some of the trials and tribulatios we VXers suffer through occur for them as well. Production on this "concept car" has stopped now after 15 years. We are a similar Japanese "hand-built" family to theirs and it would be interesting to compare notes, I think. How about the first annual VX/NSX meet? What do you say?

08/12/2006, 10:14 AM
3 years production vs. 15 years? 4500 units vs a whole hell of a lot more? Its a Honda. They have an aftermarket. I don't think they are quite in the same boat! Not knocking the NSX...I've sort of liked it since it came out. It was a fair priced giant killer in the beginning.

08/12/2006, 11:30 AM
Well, through the '90's they built a little less than 8,000. Only half made it to the USA. So it's low production like the VX. 15 years of production gave it the after market; the belief that there would always be more coming. However, it's now extinct so it joins the VX in the discontinued world. Prices will probably go down for a good while before going back up, much later (look on Autotrader etc., there are many for sale just like the VX). If you think about it from a conceptual standpoint, it's probably what prompted Isuzu to pursue the VX project in the first place. The VX was the first drivable exotic SUV, the NSX was the first drivable exotic passenger car in '91. They are sister vehicles in many regards. They both reflect praticality in motoring that is the hall mark of Japanese auto design. Very useful, first! I still think we should get together with them on some level. I think we are much stronger together than separate. The manufacturers would be most impressed in a union, I believe. It becomes one vast display of Japanese auto genius, instead of fractious little, insular hobbyists. What say? Send a group VX communique to NSX?

08/12/2006, 12:44 PM
the nsx is still considered a mass produced car. similar to that of the say the ferrari 360. there was never a shortage of the nsx. if u wanted one and u could pay 90k for a new one u could get one. but the main reason why the nsx wasnt that great of a seller was because it was overpriced. its acceleration was nearly the same as the 3000gt, supra, rx7 and the 300zx, but its priced at atleast double if not triple the price of the other competitiors.

i believe there were more then 15,000 nsx produced in the 15 year span.

08/12/2006, 02:02 PM
The NSX was more than just perforamance stats like the VX. If you place the VX on that performance scale it was over priced too. It was a styling tour de force first and easy to drive, just like the VX, drivabilty is the focus with style.

08/12/2006, 09:29 PM
There was never a shortage of VX's either.

08/13/2006, 09:49 AM
They only made a limited number of Corvairs too...... :p
BDSM VID (http://www.****tube.com/categories/8/bdsm/videos/1)

moon buggy
08/15/2006, 02:38 AM
Nice comments on the NSX, I happened to have one myself tucked away, magnificent piece of engineering, I've only had it for a couple of years...mine is a 93 model but with only 21500 original kms, so its smells and feels like new [red of course]...and yes it gets as many looks as the VX when its on the road, altho with the VX as I have debadged it except for the small Isuzu on the grill, it seems to scare off some of the rice rockets..as they are not sure what lurks beneath ...and are wondering what the hell is that..there's about 20 VXs in Australia only..parts [NSX]..so far not an issue as Honda did directly import the NSX to Oz..mine is stamped #43 [of ~150 in total sold here], so Honda can still service. Honda in Japan offers a complete refresh program for any NSX, you get your car to them, they will refresh it in every detail back to original !!

On the other hand the VX, nil support as they were brought in as 'grey import' and slipped under the radar until someone realised around 2003 how good they are/were and how competitive they were to any local 4WD offerrings by Nissan Toyota etc..and so the door was closed and they were taken off the 'allowed' list .....


08/15/2006, 04:03 PM
Great insight into this piece of Japanese auto lore. I continue to think about the NSX, there's a 2004 model parked about a block away for the August high stakes horse racing meet here in Saratoga. It's very interesting that a VX owner should also pick an NSX. It kinda confirms what I had thought, they are the two most extreme and interesting cars to come out of this auto giant country. Japan is searching for their legend cars and these two projects prove they have done it. Let's let the auto writers know we're out here all reved-up and ready to go into the history books. It's a story we can write together (NSX and VX) if we want!

08/15/2006, 04:48 PM
they are the two most extreme and interesting cars to come out of this auto giant countryThat's a pretty big statement. :) What about the 10-cyllinder Nissan Skyline, Tommy Kaira ZZ, and Yamaha OX99-11? :eek:

Oh, and look at what's coming from Toyota and Nissan... 2 more supercars lined up for production.

08/15/2006, 04:51 PM
10 cylinder skyline?

08/15/2006, 05:23 PM
not quite as extreme but ive always thought the Subaru SVX was similar to the VX in a lot of ways, short production time, limited parts, unorthodox looks (not quite as bad as the vx, but the double windows draw some looks) and almost all of their owners have a mild obsession with them

08/15/2006, 06:50 PM
Look the NSX was the first Japanese successful concept cum production model (syline etc. pretenders after the fact), the VX was the second. The Datsun Fair Ladies and Toyota GT's were unsuccessful attempts at auto imortality. Remember when a manufacturer offers refreshment they believe they've achieved auto ValHalla. Porsche does the same for its 356's. If VX teams with NSX, representing the range of true excitment motoring applications the auto history books will be indelibly marked forever. It's up to us to act now.

08/15/2006, 08:10 PM
10 cylinder skyline?Not sure where I got that from. I was sure they made a V10 in addition to the I6

08/15/2006, 08:18 PM
If VX teams with NSX, representing the range of true excitment motoring applications the auto history books will be indelibly marked forever. It's up to us to act now.You're a little overzealoous. Relative to Japanese automotive history, the two vehicles are the tip of the pyramid, but relative to worldwide automotive history, neither is really memorable, least of all the NSX. At least the VX innovates in several ways (TOD, AWD + 4WD, 50% cladding, remote-reservoir shocks). It has some potential long-term, but there have to be followers for it to be an innovator. If it's the first and last of its kind, it's just an anomaly - like amphicars or 6x6s.

The NSX is an anemic V6 mid-engine wannabe "super" car... doesn't hold a candle to other mid-engined cars (Ferrari, Lamborghini, or even Lotus, to name a few). It excels at nothing, but is satisfactory at everything, making it a typical Honda execution of a concept (in this case, a sports car). While its mild manners and excellent balance make it a good track car for people of all skill levels, its lack of power and abundance of luxuries make it fall behind. And its not even very attractive - having mild features all around (also typical of Honda).

08/15/2006, 09:05 PM
i dare anyone to follow up transios comments...

go on...



Nicely said man. The only true allure that they both share in common to me is the rarity. Usually when an NSX passes me i simply go "what the...oh...acura" and forget about it. "Mild" said it best. I would venture to say that there are far more impressive car combinations out there, especially if you are trying to meld several completely unique (if not just great) features. Like the uber lite frame of an elise with the quadra steering of the sierra (i know I am grasping at straws on this one) and the body of a VX or baja...shoot, anything that is rare and attractive to some extent.

08/15/2006, 09:12 PM
Ty, is that you?! :D

Sounds like you just described something very close to the Lotus APX concept. :D

08/15/2006, 09:18 PM
hey, you found me out. ;Do;

i couldnt help but look at the pix of the 2 cars together and not think "hey, what if" and it seemed like an appropriate place to post bout it. Looks like you already beat me to the idea though.

As we never got to take a spin in the lotus I dunno how she turns, but the VX turning is sexy! And I thought if you melded the two ideas you would need to spread the wheel base a bit. That being my only complaint with any modern-day muscle cars...the turning radii suck! Add quadra stear and bam...

anywho....yes, yes it is me :-)

08/15/2006, 09:29 PM
As we never got to take a spin in the lotus I dunno how she turns, but the VX turning is sexy!You don't know what you missed... it's like driving a race car on the street. :D Of course, the VX with Bilsteins and wide stance is probably at the top of road-handling SUVs... maybe behind a Cayenne, X5, and FX45.

08/15/2006, 09:37 PM
DUDE! If the FX45 wasn't 3 times as much as the VX and I wasn't in the process of gettin a house...yeah...you know. BUT I got the VX and KNOW I made the right decision. I test drove the 45 and the 8 cyl did purr quite nicely...but they are everywhere, and frankly are starting to look like an eggmobile to me.

08/15/2006, 09:41 PM
Just give me a Ford Escort CS!

moon buggy
08/15/2006, 11:29 PM
Hey transio...a bit harsh speaking of the NSX in such a fashion, as an owner obviously my opinion is quite different.... :rolleyes:

Hey etlsport...this will warm your heart ..prior to me jumping into the NSX I owned 2 SVX, an excellent car. Of course the NSX is greater [in my opinion] than the SVX, but then again 2nd hand here in Australia SVX are about 25% of the price of a good NSX. I have very warm memories of the SVX...another "X" car... ;)

08/16/2006, 08:05 AM
Hey transio...a bit harsh speaking of the NSX in such a fashion, as an owner obviously my opinion is quite different.... :rolleyes:Don't get me wrong, I think the NSX is an awesome car! I thought of getting one myself at one time. But let's not make it what it's not, ok? It's not groundbreaking in any way. It's not even class-leading. It's a 350 hp, v6 powered, mid-engined, cushy, nice-looking, mild-mannered, high-end sports car. It's not a supercar. It's not an innovator. It's not a breakthrough. It's on par with a 911 GT3, Jag XKR, Aston Martin AMV8 or DB9, Lotus Esprit, Viper GTS, Corvette Z06, and a host of other high-end sports cars. The only distinguishing feature is that it's a unique offering from Japan. It's not a Ferrari 360CS, or a Lamborghini Gallardo, or even a Ford GT. Even a $65k C6 Z06 will tear it apart on the track.

That's not harsh... that's reality. :shrug:

08/16/2006, 08:39 AM
I've driven a Cayenne,

it doesn't handle any better. I'd put them on par, with the VX maybe a little better.

I am a bit biased though ;)

moon buggy
08/16/2006, 12:39 PM
hey transio
the company you put the NSX there are certainly some fine cars, but here in Australia, most of those are 2x if not 3x the $s I paid, the Lotus Exige/Elise was closer in $s...now there's a go-cart, gees it was a lot of fun...

...I guess one good thing here ...we at least agree on the VX, ours is about to go into the stereo shop as my JDM model with double din screen...the screen itself shat itself the other day :mad: ... :cool: so time to upgrade to 7 in touch screen with DVD/CD/Mp3 and reverse camera...might give the std speakers an upgrade as well..

08/16/2006, 01:01 PM
First, I love this healthy type of debate. That's what makes this board special and fun versus a mutual admiration society (an unhealthy situation at best). Call me Mr. Contrary if you like, no offense taken.

Next, the NSX---I'm not comparing it statistically to anything else, instead I'm lauding its tractibility. It's practical nature makes it innovative, a true first. Most of those performance innovative uber cars you mentioned run at a high state of tune that hamstrings them and makes them mostly "worry wagons". I've owned Porsches and have good buddies who operate all kinds of Ferraris and the nagging problem is always the same...it's fickle, I can't (heart of hearts) really drive it, the steering's too twitchy or the rides so rough and it's so noisy if you drive it 1000 miles you'll get out of it a deaf semi-cripple etc. etc. Now maybe the Cayenne fixes some of these concerns but then it's really an updated NSX/VX combo and not really innovative at all, merely a copycat. With that said can't we agree that the Japanese innovated with the NSX and VX, they're both highly tractible (drivable and practical and low maintainence) and both highly rakish looking at the same time? And don't they deserve historical recognition for these first acheivements in their respective classes?

08/16/2006, 01:27 PM
The NSX has stricking looks, but you might as well get the accord 2dr with the largest engine and put a body kit on it and save $30k......For the money spent you could easily get a better and more track worthy vehicle......Z06, 350Z, Viper, Elise and the list goes on.

We have kinda strayed away from the original question of shoudl there be a nsx/vx meet. First, what would you do and where would you go. Two completely different vehicles. So I in my opinion it is not a great idea. But all ideas should be welcomed in mind.

08/16/2006, 01:52 PM
Not to correct you, but it sounds as if you might be confusing "trackabilty" with "tractibility"? Two entirely different things---the second word means easy to handle/operate, almost intuitive by design. Or it does most of the hard work for you/user friendly etc.etc. Does this help clarify my point?

08/16/2006, 01:59 PM
The NSX has stricking looks, but you might as well get the accord 2dr with the largest engine and put a body kit on it and save $30k......Sorry, but I always laugh to myself when I hear things like this. The NSX has some of the better handling characteristics of recent cars. Even if you got an Accord, stripped it to 2500 pounds, turbocharged it to 350 hp, dropped it 2", and added an uber-stiff suspension and aero kit:

It would not be as fast as an NSX, because it will always have a higher drag coefficient and greater frontal area.

It would not handle nearly as well as an NSX, because it has a high center of mass, narrower stance, and poor weight distribution (fore to aft). Oh, and the NSX's suspension is tuned by some of the finest engineers in the world, with a multi-million dollar budget - not by some guy in his garage with a $500 budget.

It would maybe accelerate better in a quarter mile, but unless your a FnF ricer, you know that's a meaningless figure

It would have no interior to speak of, would rattle, squeak, and scrape, and you couldn't take out a date in it unless she wants to sit on the floorpan, because you had to remove the passenger seat to cut weight.

Now that you're driving a highly tuned car, you'd have to check the oil every time you drive it to make sure you don't have excess oil comsumption. Check and recheck your tune to make sure you're not running rich... or worse... lean!:eek: Check your turbo to make sure all your hoses are in good condition and no leaks... etc. etc.

So no, a $30k Accord with $20k of mods will NEVER be an $80k NSX. An Accord with $50k of mods STILL won't be an NSX. What's the expression about a turd in a dress?

08/16/2006, 03:40 PM
Wow this is great. First of all the NSX only has 290hp congrats to Acura for making an attempt and an exoctic car.....I have a weekend/summer car that has comparable hp for way less. The fact is you can get more for your money. Thanks...

moon buggy
08/16/2006, 05:39 PM
the scary thing is with NSX / VX, even tho I spent mmm nearly 4x $ on the NSX.....both cars pull as much admiration, enquiry and attention..also VX is 97 and NSX 93...both shapes bely their age which confounds most admirers...the VX never draws -ve comment like some have re the NSXs capability, supercar status, etc etc...but that said most on lookers [with an opinion] re the NSX once they get close up admire it for what it is [ hand built, all alloy, go thru the long list.. blah blah]..and then get to sit in belt up and then get to have a quick strap around the block and throw in a few twisty bits they can't help but to start to smile..the 'critical' acclaim is dissolved with delivery...and yes there are plenty of quicker, etc etc cars now on the market, but back in its day the NSX certainly caused the F and P guys to smarten up their game.

In the end VX / NSX are unique examples Japanese style/engineering/ etc..and thats what I love about the both of them.

08/16/2006, 08:14 PM
Wow this is great. First of all the NSX only has 290hp congrats to Acura for making an attempt and an exoctic car.....I have a weekend/summer car that has comparable hp for way less. The fact is you can get more for your money. Thanks...More HP isn't always more. :) That's an American misconception about automotive performance. My sports car has only 190 hp (Lotus Elise), and even at that, it's more car than I can handle...

08/16/2006, 08:51 PM
the scary thing is with NSX / VX, even tho I spent mmm nearly 4x $ on the NSX.....both cars pull as much admiration, enquiry and attention..also VX is 97 and NSX 93...both shapes bely their age which confounds most admirers...the VX never draws -ve comment like some have re the NSXs capability, supercar status, etc etc...but that said most on lookers [with an opinion] re the NSX once they get close up admire it for what it is [ hand built, all alloy, go thru the long list.. blah blah]..and then get to sit in belt up and then get to have a quick strap around the block and throw in a few twisty bits they can't help but to start to smile..the 'critical' acclaim is dissolved with delivery...and yes there are plenty of quicker, etc etc cars now on the market, but back in its day the NSX certainly caused the F and P guys to smarten up their game.

In the end VX / NSX are unique examples Japanese style/engineering/ etc..and thats what I love about the both of them.

We ought to have the first VX/NSX meet in Australia at Dave's place, he's the quintissential spokseperson for this Japanese tour de force engineering and design team.

08/16/2006, 09:41 PM
All those NSX owners are officially invited to my next meet...Nov.11! ;Dy; :rotate:

08/17/2006, 03:01 PM
If you want the real scoop on the NSX, just read this. You will see what I've been driving at!

http://research.cars.com/go/crp/research.jsp?revid=28330&indcriteria=ASSET_TYPE-Affiliate+Review%2CBuying+Guide%2CVehicle+Profile% 7CM-_1_%7CD-_4_%7CY-_1991_%7CresultStructure-combined&makeid=1&modelid=4&year=1991&myid=&revlogtype=19&section=reviews&mode=&aff=national

08/17/2006, 05:27 PM
If you want the real scoop on the NSX, just read this. You will see what I've been driving at!

http://research.cars.com/go/crp/research.jsp?revid=28330&indcriteria=ASSET_TYPE-Affiliate+Review%2CBuying+Guide%2CVehicle+Profile% 7CM-_1_%7CD-_4_%7CY-_1991_%7CresultStructure-combined&makeid=1&modelid=4&year=1991&myid=&revlogtype=19&section=reviews&mode=&aff=national
That article is 16 years old.

This page is a lot more telling: http://www.topgear.com/content/tgonbbc2/laptimes/thestig/

The NSX TYPE R (the "super" NSX) is #55 on the list of Top Gear Lap Times!! FIFTY FIVE!!! That's 25 spots below a base Corvette...

You wanna talk about great performance cars in its price range, look at the Corvette Z06, Lambo Gallardo, Ferrari 360 CS, Lotus Exige S, Noble M12, Noble M15, TVR Sagaris, TVR Tuscan, BMW Z4, Porsche Cayman, and OMG Ariel Atom ($60k as configured, and #5 on the list, only falling behind four million-dollar supercars!)

08/17/2006, 05:37 PM
That article is 16 years old.

This page is a lot more telling: http://www.topgear.com/content/tgonbbc2/laptimes/thestig/

The NSX TYPE R (the "super" NSX) is #55 on the list of Top Gear Lap Times!! FIFTY FIVE!!! That's 25 spots below a base Corvette...

You wanna talk about great performance cars in its price range, look at the Corvette Z06, Lambo Gallardo, Ferrari 360 CS, Lotus Exige S, Noble M12, Noble M15, TVR Sagaris, TVR Tuscan, BMW Z4, Porsche Cayman, and OMG Ariel Atom ($60k as configured, and #5 on the list, only falling behind four million-dollar supercars!)

i believe the NSXR was on a wet track.

08/17/2006, 05:37 PM
I'd hate to be caught out in the rain in an atom thought transio :D

08/17/2006, 05:49 PM
According to that article I'd be better off with a VW Golf.......
Uhwh (http://uhwh.com/)

08/17/2006, 06:27 PM
ok, I was going to try my darndest to make a reply to this...to help the none-uber-car-enthusiasts (like myself) to come together. NSX = good car, but not best. Nothing bad, nothing good.

However, after looking at that list of cars at top gear, and only recognizing a handful of them, I will quietly slink off to the sidelines on this one. :rolleyes:

08/17/2006, 06:28 PM
Nothing bad, nothing good.

i take that back >> "nothing horrible, nothing exceptional"

08/17/2006, 09:25 PM
I'd hate to be caught out in the rain in an atom thought transio :D
You kiddin?? :D I'd just wear a bathing suit that day!!! :D

08/17/2006, 09:29 PM
Sorry, but I always laugh to myself when I hear things like this. The NSX has some of the better handling characteristics of recent cars. Even if you got an Accord, stripped it to 2500 pounds, turbocharged it to 350 hp, dropped it 2", and added an uber-stiff suspension and aero kit:

It would not be as fast as an NSX, because it will always have a higher drag coefficient and greater frontal area.

It would not handle nearly as well as an NSX, because it has a high center of mass, narrower stance, and poor weight distribution (fore to aft). Oh, and the NSX's suspension is tuned by some of the finest engineers in the world, with a multi-million dollar budget - not by some guy in his garage with a $500 budget.

It would maybe accelerate better in a quarter mile, but unless your a FnF ricer, you know that's a meaningless figure

It would have no interior to speak of, would rattle, squeak, and scrape, and you couldn't take out a date in it unless she wants to sit on the floorpan, because you had to remove the passenger seat to cut weight.

Now that you're driving a highly tuned car, you'd have to check the oil every time you drive it to make sure you don't have excess oil comsumption. Check and recheck your tune to make sure you're not running rich... or worse... lean!:eek: Check your turbo to make sure all your hoses are in good condition and no leaks... etc. etc.

So no, a $30k Accord with $20k of mods will NEVER be an $80k NSX. An Accord with $50k of mods STILL won't be an NSX. What's the expression about a turd in a dress?

yea an accord will be an accord no matter wat, and a honda is still a honda no matter how much u paid for it. the nsx might be designed, engineered by some of the best engineers in the world but they were probably the same enginners that designed the accord.

its a common misconception that cheaper "people movers" cant be fast. a well tuned accord could easily beat a stock nsx, and still have money left over to buy a civic for communting.

but the point still stands, a over priced 80k honda with nice lines is still over priced honda.

08/17/2006, 09:38 PM
"nothing horrible, nothing exceptional"That's because it's a Honda. It can be observed in every car Honda makes that they don't take risks. They don't go crazy with design. They use the things that they know work, and they make cars that perform well while being comfortable and usable and mild-mannered and reasonably attractive, though not striking. In doing so, they appeal to a wide range of consumers and don't quickly outdate their cars, because the styling changes very little, and isn't "trendy". Trends change quickly, and trendy cars date quickly. Look at the Countache, for example. It was the hotness in its day, but today, it screams "80s". :D

The NSX stayed virtually the same over 15 years - I think the only major change was the deletion of the popup headlights. The Honda S2000 is going on 8 years with no real changes. BTW, I think the S2000 is more of a "breakthrough" car than the NSX. I think it's more attractive and an innovator in engineering (9k rpm + vtec = unique even 8 years later) & performance-per-dollar. :)

08/17/2006, 09:48 PM
the nsx might be designed, engineered by some of the best engineers in the world but they were probably the same enginners that designed the accord.No. The NSX was performance tuned by Honda Racing engineers. Even if they WERE the same guys, though, the Accord was designed for comfort, the NSX for performance.

its a common misconception that cheaper "people movers" cant be fast. a well tuned accord could easily beat a stock nsxBut beat it AT WHAT?? You can make a cargo van do a quarter mile in 9 seconds... but it will never outperform an NSX on a road course... because it CAN'T TURN. The Accord has a similar problem, to a lesser degree. The NSX is designed for all aspects of performance. Having an Accord with 600 hp is like a muscle man with all his weight in his upper body. Sure, he can benchpress 600 pounds, but he can barely stand up under his own weight!

Too many people today believe that 1/4 mile times are the singular factor in determining a car's performance ability. For those who don't already know this, lemme let you in on a secret: "The Fast and the Furious" is all hype and garbage. 1/4 mile racing and drifting are not determining factors of a sports car. The "sport" in "sports car" is racing - on a road course. That means a course with turns in it. Your Accord may do a 10 second quarter mile, but it turns like a cargo van. I don't care if it goes 200 mph... it will never be a sports car.

08/18/2006, 04:25 AM
The NSX stayed virtually the same over 15 years - I think the only major change was the deletion of the popup headlights. The Honda S2000 is going on 8 years with no real changes.

the nsx has gone through more then just headlight changes. in 95/96, they added powersteering, replaced the old 3.0L with a 3.2L, and tweek the suspension a bit. the honda s2000 too has gotten a new 2.2L in i believe 2003 to give it alittle more torque to compete with the then new 350Z.

the nsx is nothing but ABNORMAL. name another japanese car that is worth more then the nsx. the skyline gtr r34 was only about 60-70 in japan, rx7/8 about 50, evos/sti 30-40, ls400 60.

No. The NSX was performance tuned by Honda Racing engineers. Even if they WERE the same guys, though, the Accord was designed for comfort, the NSX for performance.

good atleast u put down TUNED by honda racing engineers. the car is none the less a honda, made to be mass marketed. sure the nsx is a great car, but its not any better/special then say a lancer evo, or a toyota supra or even a civic. yes, thats right there a honda racing tuned civic, its called the civic type r. the old EK civic(97-00 i believe) each engine was hand polished, extra cooling ducts were added into the engine, suspension completely tuned. sounds like racing tuned to me.

But beat it AT WHAT?? You can make a cargo van do a quarter mile in 9 seconds... but it will never outperform an NSX on a road course... because it CAN'T TURN. The Accord has a similar problem, to a lesser degree. The NSX is designed for all aspects of performance. Having an Accord with 600 hp is like a muscle man with all his weight in his upper body. Sure, he can benchpress 600 pounds, but he can barely stand up under his own weight!

Too many people today believe that 1/4 mile times are the singular factor in determining a car's performance ability. For those who don't already know this, lemme let you in on a secret: "The Fast and the Furious" is all hype and garbage. 1/4 mile racing and drifting are not determining factors of a sports car. The "sport" in "sports car" is racing - on a road course. That means a course with turns in it. Your Accord may do a 10 second quarter mile, but it turns like a cargo van. I don't care if it goes 200 mph... it will never be a sports car.

your right, 1/4 mile and drifting aren't benchmarks for cars. but they do play a critical role in determining a good sports car from a not so good. sure a lotus extige can corner, but what happens if your racing on a nascar track? how about if you took a nascar and try to race it on infineon? its all about balance.

the accord is a people mover, i never said it wasnt. but with the right modifications u can make out manuver, out drag and out stop a nsx. well just use this as a picture reference.


the new tsx/accord runs a k24 engine(rated 205hp), which has a similar to that of a rsx-s. with swapped heads from a type-s, intake, exhaust and flashed ecu, this engine could easily hit 240hp+. someone here (http://www.hondatech.com.au/forum/showthread.php?t=278) did 225WHP with only flashed ecu+exhaust.

Example of SCed k24 link (http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=497180&page=1)
Accord 2.4 bottom end (9.5:1 compression)
RSX-S head
Japanese Integra Type R camchafts
RC 550 saturated injectors
RSX-S six speed gearbox
Jackson Racing race headers and test pipe
Short ram intake
5 Zigen catback
Stock fuel pump and stock fuel pressure

Braking 60–0 134 ft (RT)

Braking 60-0 142ft (MSN Auto)

8ft difference in braking form 60, im sure a big brake kit will recitify that problem.

this one gets tricky, because different people perfer different types of cars and driving styles, i will use a skidpad for comparision.
0.91g (RT)
0.78g (RT)

Ouch, .13g skid pad difference. I wont try to blame this huge difference on condition, blah blah blah. instead lets just look at all the suspension/tire upgrade done on this accord (http://www.spoonsports.us/photo_gallery/pages/031_LG_jpg.htm).

Swift Front/rear springs, coilovers
Showa Race Front and rear Shocks
Custom weilded rear anti roll stablizer bars
Spoon fron strut brace
6" front lowering
5" rear lowering
Advan 032R tires

the lowering on this car might be a tad bit too excessive, but even with a 2" front rear drop, the accord is more then capable of doing .85g skid pad(guesstamation)

Now look at our THEROTICAL accord. It has more power then a NSX, better braking, and posibably better handling too. ;) ;)

08/18/2006, 07:51 AM
the nsx has gone through more then just headlight changes. in 95/96, they added powersteering, replaced the old 3.0L with a 3.2L, and tweek the suspension a bit. the honda s2000 too has gotten a new 2.2L in i believe 2003 to give it alittle more torque to compete with the then new 350Z.I was talking about design changes.

08/18/2006, 08:20 AM
That article is 16 years old.

This page is a lot more telling: http://www.topgear.com/content/tgonbbc2/laptimes/thestig/

The NSX TYPE R (the "super" NSX) is #55 on the list of Top Gear Lap Times!! FIFTY FIVE!!! That's 25 spots below a base Corvette...

You wanna talk about great performance cars in its price range, look at the Corvette Z06, Lambo Gallardo, Ferrari 360 CS, Lotus Exige S, Noble M12, Noble M15, TVR Sagaris, TVR Tuscan, BMW Z4, Porsche Cayman, and OMG Ariel Atom ($60k as configured, and #5 on the list, only falling behind four million-dollar supercars!)

Because the article is 16 years old that's my point...the NSX was first to beat the class of supercars not so much by the numbers per se but in terms of drivability (you can use it everyday and not worry about it) and it has impressive styling. That to me is the same as the VX. Therefore they should both get together, one representing the best all round Japanese sports car the other the best Japanese SUV. Both first in their respective motoring classes.

08/19/2006, 01:59 AM
I was talking about design changes.

Design changes

1995- NSX-T was added into the line.
1997- New aluminium body
2002- All aluminium construction, COMPLETE style redesign.
2004- REDESIGNED shift knob ;) ;)

08/19/2006, 07:58 AM
2002- All aluminium construction, COMPLETE style redesign.This was the only design (shape/style) change, and as I said, the only major difference was the elimination of the popup headlights. Everything else was just nipped/tucked. This is typical of Honda model updates. I'm not saying it's bad.... just saying...

See the similarities?

Mk 1:


Mk 2:


08/19/2006, 10:31 AM
Having an Accord with 600 hp is like a muscle man with all his weight in his upper body. Sure, he can benchpress 600 pounds, but he can barely stand up under his own weight!

*clears throat*


08/19/2006, 01:45 PM
*clears throat*

??????????????????????????????????? :_confused :disturbed :_confused ?????????????????????????????????????????

08/19/2006, 02:35 PM
watch some sports on tv and watch the commercials...then you'll get it

08/19/2006, 03:10 PM
watch some sports on tv and watch the commercials...then you'll get it

I'll pass...have other interests. ;po;

08/19/2006, 04:39 PM
I'll pass...have other interests. ;po;

here ya go, i'll make it easy for you. ;)


08/21/2006, 05:20 PM
rick's Evo MR seems pretty damned super to me. Each apex has its own little gravity well, even when you get on the power a bit too soon on exit it drifts out true. Ya gotta down right provoke the little beastie to get it to bite back. having driven a NSX several times (once with conviction) I gotta belive it's the 45k Mitsi by Quite a bit... and it's pretty innovative... take an eight k penalty box, shove in 55k worth of high end, go fast'n' stick good hardware, then sell the little Frankenstein for 45 thousand. Gave Gibbys ol' '04 GT3 an honest run ... didn't beat it, but we didn't get embarrased either (he could outbrake us everywhere) (course I'm a much better driver)

08/22/2006, 12:40 PM
If the VXérs should have a meet with sports car owners, they should consider he lotus elan m100 owners.
Here's why:
1/ aprox the same amount of cars were made.
2/ They have a great forum also.
3/....................The lotus has an isuzu engine.


08/22/2006, 02:09 PM
3/....................The lotus has an isuzu engine.

I thought the lotus' had Toyota engines??? :confused:

08/22/2006, 02:30 PM
I thought the lotus' had Toyota engines??? The Elise 111R and Exige S2 have Toyota 2zz-ge engines (engineered by Yamaha lol). The Elise S1 and Exige S1 have Rover engines. The Europa S2 has a Vauxhall engine. The Esprit had a Lotus engine. The Elan m100 had an Isuzu engine. :D And the Isuzu Impreza had handling by Lotus. :D There was a short period of time in the 90s when Isuzu owned Lotus. :)

08/22/2006, 04:57 PM
Isuzu made that cool little "wagonette" thing with the ,I think it was, "suspension by Lotus" badges on the front fender quarter at the knee line. Sort of a Saturn Storm looking thing. Saw one about a year ago.

08/22/2006, 10:37 PM
i think u mean the isuzu impulse...and did one of the exige have a k20?

08/23/2006, 08:38 AM
i think u mean the isuzu impulse...and did one of the exige have a k20?
LOL!!! I said Isuzu Impreza!!! :eek: I meant Impulse, yeah. :p

08/23/2006, 11:27 AM
I believe the first vx prototype had a lotus elan engine fitted with a compressor(or was it just with the same turbo)
Anyway this 1600 cc engine has a standard output of 165hp but can be tweaked at little expense to 210 hp.
There is a guy from greece on the elan forumwho's extracted over 300 hp out of these 1600 cc's!!!!!!!!!

08/24/2006, 04:53 PM
Then we should invite the Lotus people as well and keep the excitment all in the family!

08/24/2006, 08:55 PM
Then we should invite the Lotus people as well and keep the excitment all in the family!That meet's been done before. :D Here's my VX (err... I mean Ty's VX :() between 2 Elises at a Lotus BBQ a couple years ago. The Lotus guys really loved the VX. One of them swore he'd get one himself. :D


08/25/2006, 06:54 AM
dont be sad man, she's in a better place now. Fewer hurricanes and other cars to hit her. Of course, I swear she misses you from time to time :rolleyes: