View Full Version : Subaru SVX

09/02/2006, 10:06 AM
I saw one for the first time ever on the road the other day. Pretty neat looking car. I thought it was a Skyline at first, but noted the odd differences (windows, etc.). I know we have a lot of Subie lovers here. Anyone know anything about them? AWD? Good rallyxers?


09/02/2006, 10:31 AM
theyre fantastic! that was what i was gonna get before i found my VX... they have a history of transmissions overheating though, also have a problem with the rear wheel bearings failing, so u end up with a nasty clicking from the rear axel.. other than that.. theyre really nice 3.3 liter H6 i think... they have AWD (at least on the LSI models.. but more than likely they all do) similar to the VX in a lot of ways actually, theyre heavy, have lots of power, have useless back seats (the front seat touched the back seat when i was driving (im only 5'7) and they were only available in automatic produced in a few colors and for maybe 5-6 years?... one might be my VXs little brother one day.. .i think their forum is www.subarusvx.com
it hasnt been updated in a long time, but you can find some nice photos and info on them

09/02/2006, 10:38 AM
the windows are supposed to keep the car aerodynamic even with the windows rolled down.. they create some wierd blind spots though

09/02/2006, 10:45 AM
Yes- was looking at these before my VX also.

Test drove one and liked- later heard that the engines from these cars were prized by homebuilt aircraft guys.
I sure don't see many around- about as rare as a VX sighting for me.


Jolly Roger VX'er
09/03/2006, 07:02 AM
I've always liked them too...there is even one here in Cambridge Springs parked in a driveway. I've looked into buying one several times but could never find one in "pristine" condition (that was for sale!) like I'm sure the one in the photo above is. Plus, I'd want a manual transmission which you could get but, all except a couple I've seen were automatic.

I've seen them for sale on Ebay too along with the other car from the past I would like to own:

Chrysler Conquest TSI Turbo....twin to the Mitsubishi Starion Turbo!

09/03/2006, 08:36 AM
Jolly, afaik, they all came with autos.... the manual transmissions were aftermarket add-ons.

E-ZooZoo One
09/03/2006, 09:20 AM
For years and years, I've been a fan of the Porsche 928 - and after test-driving a couple of them, dearly loving the experience, it only served to increase my (already burning) desire to own one...

However, after someone (who shall remain nameless) showed-up at Uwharrie with an SVX, and took 3 of us out for a (veeeeeery quick) grocery-run into town (exceeding 130mph a couple of times), and showed-off its amazing handling (hunkering down and never once showing a sign of leaving the road, even though it bloody-well felt like we should have been over in the trees, several times!) - I quickly changed my mind about the 928, and have wanted an SVX ever since! :cool:

09/03/2006, 06:11 PM
Smiley, 928's are plentiful and inexpensive. I got one back around '90 for next to nothing at an insurance auction. But if you're not on a first-name basis with your own automotive tools then it's probably not the car for you. :p They don't break often, but when they do it's always "interesting".

As for the SVX, very cool car and also plentiful and inexpensive. Transmission issues and general Subaru ignorance have kept their value low for the more mechanically inclined who appreciate unique vehicles that exist outside of the mainstream. ;)

09/04/2006, 04:20 PM
Don't quote me on this but I think some guys mentioned on NASIOC swapping a WRX or an STi 5/6spd tranny in dere. That would be pretty sweet. Even sweeter with twin turbos

09/04/2006, 04:56 PM
i know that theres a twin turbo kit around for them.. supposed to boost to 350+ hp if rumors are true... might be an exaggeration.. but it would be fun!

09/04/2006, 05:38 PM
We have a local, 40ish, type guy with a 928s. It's been in the shop 3 times now, for, front bumper cover, rear bumper, drivers window and sunroof. Everyone hides when it gets pulled into the back lot. Adventure is the proper term... every nut, bolt, screw,and fastner is a damn adventure. I'd rather put a starter in a Z3 again, than swap a facia on that Porsche. ( fact: both are loathsome jobs) Never got used to the front engine Porsche. Like the Cayane,at the time it saved the company from takeover. They made a lot of money on SUV and the front engine cars. I personally, lust in my heart (and every other body part) for a GT3

09/04/2006, 05:54 PM
I see SVX's on the road around these parts every few months. My aunt had one for a couple of years, but got sick of the low-down seating. I took a drive from CT to southern New Jersey once in it, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

But I'm a 928 man myself - although everyone I know thinks I'm more of a looking-for-a-928-man than an owning-a-928-man. One of these days...

E-ZooZoo One
09/04/2006, 05:59 PM
I'd rather put a starter in a Z3 again, than swap a facia on that Porsche. ( fact: both are loathsome jobs)
:laughgray :laughgray :laughgray

Then you would've dearly LOVED to have been the guy that was charged with the task of repairing the brand new one that I hit with the company Dominio's delivery pick-up, back in 1985...

Ironically, it belonged to the son of the owner of a local competitor Mom & Pop pizza chain (that, at the time, Domino's was slowly driving out of business - and later eventually finished the job - but not before I crushed-in the front of their 928... like a son-of-a-B :eekgray: ) -- I lost my job over that one. :rollgray: :razzgray:

After that night, I'm surprised that I kept on liking 928s :laughgray

09/04/2006, 06:22 PM
I personally, lust in my heart (and every other body part) for a GT3I don't understand people's love for the GT3. It's the greatest driving-porsche, for sure, but when you get to that price range there are SOOOO many options.... the Noble M400, for instance. :drool:

BTW, I just signed up for the waitlist for the 2008 Lotus Esprit. 2800 lbs, 400 NA hp (BMW M5 engine), Lamborghini looks, and Lotus-tuned suspension all for under $100k. It's gonna be a sweet ride. I just hope my biz takes off and I make some serious bucks in the next couple years. :D

09/05/2006, 06:04 PM
Can't speak for others, but in my case, I suspect it's genetic. Back in the sixties and early seventies, my dad drove Trans Am and some Can Am for O.B.'s Porsche up in New York. After I did the learners permit and test thing in moms Citroen DS21, I was allowed to take out the E type, and later the 911. One of the best days in my life was spent with pop, in the new ('71) Porsche, learning to do hot laps up at Watkins Glenn. Later that summer at Limerock, I discovered lift throttle oversteer. Never saw the old man shaken up before. I now know how scary the right seat is (I have a budding hotshoe of my own now) That is why the GT3. Wayne

09/05/2006, 07:05 PM
the svx was subarus answer to the rx7, supra and 300zx. the car was similar to the 3000gt, it was pretty heavy and had 4wd. the problem with the car was tat it never really had much aftermarket support overseas. it was also underpowered when compared to the other japanese super cars and cost nearly the same as them. i believe the electrical was also a huge problem with the svx.

09/06/2006, 12:35 PM
I discovered lift throttle oversteer.... That is why the GT3. WayneCan you even lift-throttle-oversteer a GT3? I thought they "corrected" the 911's oversteer "problems" with stability control junk? If it's the pure driving experience of older Porsches that you're looking for, get an Exige! It's got really "bad" lift-throttle-oversteer! :p

09/07/2006, 08:40 AM
I thought I had found the car to be buried in when I bought my SVX. Unfortunately I buried it first.

I had a 94 LSI with the all wheel drive. It is a heavy car and did very well in the snow. It also had an overdrive that truely scared the **** out of me everytime I used it.

The SVX forum was as friendly and helpful as this one. There I learned that there were only 14,000 imported between '92 - '97. I never had the transmission problem or the bearings, my problem was when I crashed it into a pizza delivery van. It never ran right after that and getting parts was difficult.

Until I bought the Miata this spring, I thought I'd try to find anothere SVX. Now I love the Miata and the SVX's are getting old. Not being mechanical, I guess I'll stick with the Miata.

But for those of you not mechanically challenged who love the odd stares and a nice solid yet powerful ride, I would recommend it!

Boy I loved that car!

is it a coincidence that I owned an SVX and now have a VX?

09/07/2006, 10:00 AM
I always thought the svx was to heavy for a "real"sports car.

09/07/2006, 05:16 PM
911s came in pretty much one flavor (for street use anyway) in the early 1970s...no GT3... and yeah... if you take an older 911 into a turn a bit too hot, feelin' the fronts begin to scrub, lifting to get more bite is not the answer.It results in a SNAP spin, way faster than anything I have the skills to catch. I don't know of another car that goes from push to spin so quickly. 8 tenths on is tricky. Wayne

09/07/2006, 06:09 PM
Wayne, you should drive an Elise or Exige! I think you'd thoroughly enjoy the experience! :p

09/07/2006, 06:17 PM
Steve, I'm beginning to think you get a regular check from the boys in Norfolk. :p

You would've loved what was in my friend's shop when I dropped the Ebony off for its cage in Atlanta. There was a '99 or 2000 Elise Euro-spec competition car in there, yellow of course. Street legal and race ready from the factory, even more bare-bone than the street car.

E-ZooZoo One
09/07/2006, 09:38 PM
...a nice solid yet powerful ride, I would recommend it!
That was my impression of the SVX as well...
It seemed to be constructed like a vault - solid as hell... well, maybe not quite the vault-like build quality of a G-wagon, but certainly quite so for a 2-door passenger car. --- I suppose that I don't mind a little extra weight if it's put to good use.

But where the thing really impressed me the most was in it's amazing stability at speed. --- At better than 130mph, while sitting in the passenger seat (with a near-stranger at the wheel), I felt surprisingly secure... like: I would have been comfortable sitting there trimming my fingernails, as though I was sitting at home 'secure'.

By contrast (from the driver's seat, no less), neither of the two 928s could match that same overall sense of 'everything's gonna be fine - it's no big deal' - at 100mph... forget 130mph!

And not only that, the 928s' doors all felt pretty weak and sagged - they sure didn't go "WHUMP" when you closed them. :smilewink

The SVX may not be a 'Supercar'... but it IS a pretty damned good car :thumbup:

04/06/2007, 03:51 PM
Thread resuscitation...

E-zoo-zoo, are you anywhere near Morgantown, WV? There's a 928 S4 there that's been up for sale for a while, but it's just too damned far for me to drive just to see it (sooo many of them are in crappy condition!). Any chance you'd be willing to take a look at it for me?

04/09/2007, 03:05 PM
Here's one!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Subaru-SVX-1992-Subaru-SVX-AWD-Coupe-Black-LOW-MILESin-Connecticut_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ31871QQitem Z280102831802QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD2V

04/09/2007, 08:35 PM
Somebody mentioned the Supra ... I really liked the 1985 NA 5-speed I had. The Supra lost all of its lines in the 1986 and started looking like all the rest of its peers. I'd probably trade my VX for a near-mint '85 Supra if it was the right colors (red or black) -- I liked it that much. I sold it because the wife didn't like the way I drove it. Then I got a jalopy, which I drove the same and she realized she made a mistake ;)

04/10/2007, 06:49 AM
I'm with you on that, Tobert - the mid-80s Supra was a beautiful car! The model years following were nice, but not as sharp a design. The last Supra was a bit better looking, but the performance was amazing in the turbo.

04/10/2007, 08:43 AM
Yeah, I have always like the 80s Supra too. There is just something about those Japanese cars from the 80s...

In my opinion, the 80s is when American cars stopped looking good and the Japanese cars started looking awesome. And then in the 90s everything kinda looked like crap until 99 when the VX came out! ;)


04/10/2007, 01:27 PM
i believe the electrical was also a huge problem with the svx.

It was certainly a problem with the one I drove... The headlights and instrument panels went dark in the middle of the night 100 miles from home.

I can't say I'm a fan of the SVX. I've got one of the last GC6 Imprezas, though, and I really like it. Subaru can make a good car, but I don't the SVX was one of them.

02/03/2009, 06:22 PM
funny you should bring up such a cool car
I bought my first one in 99
have owned about 15 since and have kept two
for keepers and daily drivers.
They all where really great, reliable cars...
mostly a touring car, they show their colors at speeds
over 80+... smoothest & quietest car Ive ever owned.
My VX is like an SVX on steriods.
I liked the Svx so much I started a yahoo store

this is my 92.

<img src=http://www.motorsportwarehouse.com/space/20g.jpg>

02/03/2009, 06:22 PM
funny you should bring up such a cool car
I bought my first one in 99
have owned about 15 since and have kept two
for keepers and daily drivers.
They all where really great, reliable cars...
mostly a touring car, they show their colors at speeds
over 80+... smoothest & quietest car Ive ever owned.
My VX is like an SVX on steriods.
I liked the Svx so much I started a yahoo store

this is my 92.


02/04/2009, 08:33 AM
Ya, they are unicorns now. Tough to find and a great buy if you do. My neighbor has a silver w/ black top one but she has junked it out. Simply does not take care of it. It saddens me.

02/04/2009, 12:09 PM
That is a very cool car. I had a chance to go through SVX at a local Pick & pull. I love that engine. I thought about getting one at some point.

I even know a SVX joke.

What does’s the Bermuda triangle and the SVX have in common?
If you’re in it long enough you loss your bearings!:p

don moore
02/04/2009, 11:21 PM
what car :confused:..Is it blue.....:rolleyes: