View Full Version : to dealer or not to dealer

09/04/2006, 07:09 PM
so im driving to the store earlier, and while waiting at a stop sign for a clearing, the vx just turns off, very quietly, like id turned the key off. started up fine after that and drove like normal.. ive had sporadic problems with rough idle, maybe once a month or so

now my question is i know a big culprit of this problem is intake manifold gaskets, and would be ok tackling this problem myself, esp with the support of this forum, but my VX is still under warranty through october and i kind of would like to take it to a dealer except the terrible things ive heard about isuzu dealers... any imputs would be appreciated.. or suggestions to reliable dealers in the philly area

thanks all

09/04/2006, 07:42 PM
I've had the vx just up and stop running four times in the last year and a half, three were at a stop light/sign like you, and the last time it happened I was going over and overpass at 85mph. Just turned the key and all was normal again. I just roll with it, then again I'm off warranty...

I think this behavior is a vx quirk, others have experienced it -
Anita posted this link today - It might shed some light.


As for dealers, I found that if you know someone or have a relation with the shop - it works out quite well. The old Isuzu shops up here are great people but a bit pricey. I'd suggest checking out Merlin at St. Charles Isuzu if you're going to order any parts (that is when it is off warranty)

Good Luck.

09/04/2006, 09:11 PM
so im driving to the store earlier, and while waiting at a stop sign for a clearing, the vx just turns off, very quietly, like id turned the key off. started up fine after that and drove like normal.. ive had sporadic problems with rough idle, maybe once a month or so

now my question is i know a big culprit of this problem is intake manifold gaskets, and would be ok tackling this problem myself, esp with the support of this forum, but my VX is still under warranty through october and i kind of would like to take it to a dealer except the terrible things ive heard about isuzu dealers... any imputs would be appreciated.. or suggestions to reliable dealers in the philly area

thanks all
First, try to cleanup your throttle body and idle control valve as described here (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showpost.php?p=81904&postcount=15).