View Full Version : Tire Tread Separation?

10/27/2006, 11:40 AM
On my drive from Detroit to St. Louis, my front passenger tire tread separated and also caused my VX to flip on the expressway. The tires are the same Bridgestone Duelers type that come with the 99' model, though all 4 tires were less than 2 years old.

Upon the tire tread ripping apart my bumper and towing my VX to the shop, the tread measurement were at 9/32 for all 4 tires..here is a picture of the separation:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/VXTire.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/VXTire.jpg)

Has this happen to anyone? I was told this is similar to the Ford Explorer/Firestone recall a few years ago that caused quite a few SUVs to flip. I've also noticed that my 3 other tires were showing cracks and signs of separation. The tire shop confirmed my suspicion. I've called Bridgestone locally in Indianapolis and they said to file a complaint to the corporate office. I just wanted to hear other VX owner's take on this - worst of all, the vibration caused from the separation has melted my fuel line, almost caused a fire in the engine bay and damaged a few other items. Obviously I won't be letting go on this incident.

Let me know your take, thanks.

10/27/2006, 11:50 AM
Hmmm... Thats the first I have heard of this from a VX'er. 2 yr-old tires and they did that? That sounds suspect. Glad you were okay.

10/27/2006, 01:59 PM
how fast do you typically drive? i think the stock tires on the 18" rims are only rated up to like 95mph.. going overly fast could lead to them coming apart faster... when i bought my vx it had duelers on it that were bald .. i couldve mistaken them for racing slicks haha.. so i just replaced them with the same thing.. kinda makes me nervous.. but like anita said, ive never heard of that happening to another VXer

10/27/2006, 06:42 PM
I typically don't drive faster than 75mph. On this long road trip, I was doing about 65-70. The tire shop guys believe if I went 80-90mph, the VX would of flipped...

Glad I survived it (and a horrible fuel leak later on caused by the separation that required a fire truck's attention)

10/27/2006, 08:36 PM
I still have my original Duelers from the '01 Dragon and one of them has a "bubble" about 4 or 5 inches in diameter due to beginning tread separation. They have about 20K miles on them.

10/27/2006, 11:42 PM
Wait a sec... did you flip or not? :confused:

10/28/2006, 08:33 AM
nope didn't flip, thank goodness

Mark B
10/28/2006, 10:51 AM
I have the original Bridgestone Duelers on my 2000 VX. The tires still look good. 38,000 miles. I am getting worried about the tires after reading what happened to Capri. Should I worry about the tires?

10/28/2006, 10:57 AM
Ive had two sets of Duelers. Both lasted over 40K each with even wear and no problems. I did rotate them at every other oil change.

Raque Thomas
10/28/2006, 04:02 PM
and also caused my VX to flip on the expressway.

OK - I don't get it, you said you didn't flip, so what are you saying here??

10/28/2006, 10:33 PM
I meant to say I almost flipped...when the separation happened the VX leaned towards the right side. I'm glad I haven't heard other VXers getting this issue, maybe I just got a bad set of tires.

10/30/2006, 08:41 AM
Yeah, you had me going WTF?!?!?! for a minute. My VX had those tires on it too, when I bought it at 28k. The fronts were bald as can be and the rears were not much better. I also had TOD slamming issues until I got a new set of rubber about a month later.

Not only are those Bridgestones ugly, but now that I have seen this, I am really glad I am rolling with some nice BFGs.


I meant to say I almost flipped...when the separation happened the VX leaned towards the right side. I'm glad I haven't heard other VXers getting this issue, maybe I just got a bad set of tires.