View Full Version : rear door popper solonoid

11/04/2006, 03:27 PM
im in the middle of installing the rear door popper ordered from tone (literally.. im sitting in the back of the vx) and cant get the solonoid to activate, i have it mounted and grounded to the tail gate, in my eagerness to see it work i went ahead and wired up the switch and got no response, so i tried connecting to the dome light circuit (easiest to get to) all that did was make my dome light turn off, so i connected directly to the battery (without a switch) and still get nothing...

11/04/2006, 03:28 PM
oh yea, i also tried changing my ground to the ground i used for the pin switch.. and got the same response... none
(but the pin switch works.. so at least my rear door is protected

11/04/2006, 08:30 PM
i removed the solonoid from its mounted position in the door, and got it to work no problem, then once it was installed.. didnt seem to want to work again.. :confused: i didnt change any of the wiring when i put it back in

11/04/2006, 11:00 PM
have u checked for power and grounding on the wires? i dont have a popper but its probably a good place to start....

11/05/2006, 08:05 PM
i went ahead and finished the install and magically with no changes in ground or connections to the solonoid, it worked, so i guess the dome light circuit just doesnt carry enough current to fire it properly.. but it works like a charm now, even when parked downhill

11/05/2006, 08:59 PM
Make sure that you are running the solenoid through a relay. Without one, you draw an awful lot of current though a circuit not designed for that amount.

11/06/2006, 06:56 AM
yep, i wired it using raque thomas's diagram that taps power off the door relay then into a 30amp SPDT relay, for my constant power i just tapped off the power wire for my amps and then used the stock radio power for my switched power since i ran completley new wires for my head unit