More Pictures!!!!!! I know you guys have internet at the stoop...
I was hoping to get out to Moab today/tomorrow but its not happening with the move to Denver in two days. I'm so depressed that i'm missing out on all the fun :sigho:
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More Pictures!!!!!! I know you guys have internet at the stoop...
I was hoping to get out to Moab today/tomorrow but its not happening with the move to Denver in two days. I'm so depressed that i'm missing out on all the fun :sigho:
So I know when you take a trip, you always forget something, but did ALL OF YOU forget your camera's:dan_ban::dan_ban::dan_ban:
My camera has a ton of pictures on it....BUT, with no where in the campground to electrify the dead battery on my piccies!
Jack led a group of us through Steel Bender...lots of action, no carnage. Nome sweet climbs were made and some of us gave it hell but were denied!
I leave for home tomorrow morning. Might get pics up in the evening if I feel up to it.
Here's my pictures from Steel Bender, if anyone has any of the little amigo that could....
Thanks for the pics!!! Who's that in the Foxfire with the "WOOHUU" plate? Can't remember seeing that one around before...
Actually looks like there are some Isuzu's there this year!! Very nice.
I'm home! A-W-E-S-O-M-E TIME!
Downloading 1064 piccies on photobucket.....waiting....still about another 90 mins......better grab a Snickers bar......:slap:
Been a member here for 5 yrs, but I've never seen him either.
Name was Don. Nice ride!
OK, here's a gazillion pics....had to take all pics myself this year as my camera assistant was not in attendance....., so many are taken through the windshield, blindly sticking the camera out the window, and many are taken of the truck in front or back of me while on the trail. These are the three trails I was on:
The first trail pics are from La Sal Mountain, has lots of trees, very rocky trails and lots of snow in the upper elevation. There was a felled tree blocking out path, so several guys played lumberjack and chopped it and dragged it out of the way, only to find snow that was too deep to continue in.
The 2nd trail is Seven Mile Rim....very classic orange desert with huge monoliths. Just amazing views.
The 3rd trail is when I was a rider with Travis (tjh) on Poison Spider in his has extreme orange rock ledges and walls to climb/descend, many larger rock obstacles and with a good deal of rain to really make the slick rock slicker! Travis was like Spiderman again this year, just awesome! He made short work of all the obstacles, went up, down, through. He really knows how to work the gearing and the e-brake to maximize traction. It was awesome to see!
Poison Spider also has some sand dunes so everybody had a great time blasting around that dune and getting the sand to fly!
Lots and lots of good fun was had on "the stoop". Terrific group again this year and we all had a great time. We had a pretty big group from the this forum, LDub, VX Crazy, Orion, Jay Dunford, Big Jim, Craig, tjh, MSHardeman, Zu4Two, SpaceCADETzoom, JoFotoz, Scott Harness, pbkid, NocturnalVX, VXIronWoman, mhill, Kodiak, Gizmo42, Triathlete, Todd & Linda Adams, Big Swede, MeowMix, WooHuu, Jack's Dad Brad, his sister Diane and girlfriend Whitney, Kodiak's sister, TLMP, Big G, Little G, several Trooper, Amigo and Rodeo owners I can't recall names. I'm sure I forgot somebody, so please add to this list.
It rained on and off for a few days but we still had a great time. This group has some really colorful characters and really kept the fun going......For some reason Lisa wanted to put my little purple VX in her mouth....:goof:.....and Jo says it's going in the calendar for next year! :_thinking
It's really an amazing experience and I highly recommend you try to attend at last once, even if just as a rider, it's well worth it and truly a great life experience. And the majestic physical beauty of the area is beyond description!
Crotchrocket we saved a sticker for you...forget who has it, but I'm sure you'll get it.
So plan on at least 15 mins to scroll through these pics.....particularly the ones of Seven Mile Rim and Poison Spider!
Sit back and Enjoy!
I've added many names to the pics.
And lastly.....
Everybody on the stoop says Hi, and glad to hear yer on the mend Rick! (aka RickOKC):thumbup:
Made it home in 1 piece (both me and the VX). Had a shadow for part of my trip home! Photo's are slooowwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyyy downloading to photobucket. Will get them up as soon as possible. Got a busy weekend...daughter gratuates from college tomorrow, race on Sunday!