I was actually hoping to make a VX Purchase Road Trip. A couple of years ago I flew down to California to buy a Nissan 350Z Roadster, then drove it back up to Seattle along the California and Oregon coast.

Just me and the dog! That was an effin' great trip.

Sadly, Boca is just a BIT too far, given my schedule and time constraints. I'd only make that drive if I could do it right. That would mean LOTS of time to explore. Turn left or right as the weather dictated. Go to Asheville, NC...visit my relatives in Mississippi...see why Austin, TX is so popular...win enough money in Vegas to pay for the VX and the trip...etc.

In fact, I WILL be making a big road trip in March '07. Through Eastern Oregon and down through Cali, hitting Vegas for a huge photography convention. After Vegas, who knows? I'm up for ideas...