Beej is right...when the time comes, just sign up for the "tamer" trails, (3.5 or less)& go have fun.
On a lot of obstacles (not all), there are alternate routes that go around the gnarly section...last spring I took the E-Z trail on more than one occaision, & nobody called me any bad names (least wise, not to my face).
My attitude was that I was there to "test the waters", see what it's all about & have fun.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...everyone there, is there to do the same & very supportive of "first timers" & will go out of their way to help out a VX bro. or sis.
It's like going to a family reunion that you actually enjoy, except with family you've never met before & can't wait to see again next year.
Sorry for the off topic rant...