Quote Originally Posted by blacksambo View Post
The VX board is not a club you can join or resign from. It's a brotherhood/sisterhood of individuals with an interest in learning more about their performance utility vehicles, that's all. I think "thebear" (who I met once briefly and was most cordial) was looking to make this VX thing into something more organized or formal like Porsche Club of America or the Cadillac LaSalle Club. These institutions are supported by imposed dues and their respective manufacturers financial contribution, and accordingly they generate more structured actvities. VX Forum does not pretend to offer such a contrived experience. Instead, VX Forum offers true enthusiasm and vehicle knowlege support based on genuine interest, at no imposed cost to its users. It runs purely on love for a historically misunderstood vehicle, and that's its greatest attribute and a strong tribute to those who freely choose to visit the site. For whatever that's worth....
Well said, and I'll add that, I hope we never become "structured, orgamuhnized OR formal".
I think the last organized club I belonged to was the cub scouts & I found that experience to be too structured. I guess I'm just not the uniform type.
And I HATE having to be somewhere at a certain time & place for any reason, except for going to work...or Moab.
So I guess there will be no bowling leagues, softball teams, organized religion, or book of the month clubs in my future...what a relief.