Jay's right...you don't have to post in order to enjoy the wealth of information already online here. I lurked for a couple of years after I sold my '99 Ironman (RIP), simply because I missed my VX! I've become active again because of my recent '99 Ebony VX purchase.

Some of my posts rehash old information, but only because I need to find out if there's been any NEW information!

I wish there was a way to track the actual usage of this forum...not just how many posts are made by a few regulars, but how many people actually read the new AND old threads.

I've done searches on almost all types of topics: mechanical, tech specs, tires-n-wheels, audio, repair, detailing, etc...all the way back to the beginning of this forum!

How many of you guys are old-timers from the days of club.vmag.com? I miss that forum! I can remember when we "switched" over here. Look how much this forum has grown! And look how much nicer it is!

To the mods: wonderful job. I hope we can all stick around for years.