After going through all the great advice and things to look for... Then Procrastinating for a while,... I found a sunny day last Saturday and decided to figure out what was causing my CEL lights (codes said it was - running Lean on bank1 and running lean on bank2) This would come and go, at the end mostly on. (Actually I've been running a bit lean at my bank also, but that's a different story)

I was expecting the dreaded, intake gasket leak, but hoped for something else.

What I discovered: There was a bad vacuum leak around one of the fuel injectors and seemed like a little around another, possibly 2. It looks like there had been some engine work done and they got the fuel rail back on as far to one side as it was possible (within limits of the bolt holes). I'm also guessing that they used the original 'O' rings (IF that's what is in there, cuz I'm still not sure???). By loosening and moving the fuel rail around (it took a couple trys and I pulled the fuel pump relay and ran the engine first to drain off the pressure) I was able to get it where there was no more "giant sucking sound". This seems to have solved it!!! for now atleast.

Question: Are those really 'O' rings around the injectors, and how likely are they to start leaking again (should I buy new ones, how much, and where). If so, can they be changed from the top (Not pulling the manifold).