in the spirit of our friend biju, it is important to remind us in the cold weather area to run our AC for a few minutes in the winter time once or twice a month. I was just told this years ago, and have always done it. keeps seals in good condition, and runs the compressor, etc

Anyway, heres the question part..........I have started spoiling myself with the auto-thermostat this week. when the heat is in this mode, the ac button is lit up. (heres where i may sound like a moron......wait for it comes.....)

Uhhhhhhh, does that mean the AC is on????

if so, wouldnt i get better mileage if i just pushed the warm lever to the right, and use the fan, instead of auto???? or will the ac come on as needed to maintaine the temp you want, and so saving gas by only comming on every now and then, and not like summer time where its running all the time.

anything to squeeze another mile, or half mile out of the gas tank.

am i makin sense??