My car has had this problem for years now and its finally getting worse.

This only used to happen sometimes. I would start my car and drive to work (about 30 miles ) no problem but onece i got off the highway (mind you ithis may have started on the highway but i wouldnt notice since i was doing normal speed with no stops) my car would pull like if i was giving it gass so i put it in nutral and my rpms would be like 3,000. Now if i let it sit for a minute or 2 this would go back down to 1,000 and not happen again. This would happen every so often for the past year or 2. now its happening more often on my way to work and home, and now even if i let the car sit for a minute or 2 and it stops onece i start to drive again it happens again.

its hard to bring it to a mechanic and find the problem since when i get out of the car and get the mechanic the problem has stoped. I was told some cars have a idle control valve, does ours? also i was looking at the cd manual and found a throtel position sensor . could this be the cause, does anyone know where this is?

please help
