Ok, I have an Ironman VX, and my buddy has a Jeep XJ.....
Anyways my vx is just NOT as cool as his Jeep. What can I do to change this ?
Why does mine look like a mini-van and his look rugged ? I don't get it. I have big tires and stuff, but it still isn't very cool compared to a JEEP. I wish I would have gotten a rubicon........
Just for the record, in case you don't read my later reply or replies, the post above was made by my friend with the "cool" jeep... trying to stir the pot... trying to have fun at my expense. I could have edited it or erased it all together (I think), but why? Its already been said, and I aint running and hiding. This could be fun? lol Please read all comments and replies before chastising (sp?) me... especially MY comments and replies! I LOVE my VX!