Hey all, I have had this nasty tapping sound of like 2 metals shacking together, almost sence i got it back in Dec.. of 2006. Well it's like on the bottom front side of the passenger, like under the engine or front right tire. it sounds nasty like when i accel.. around 2.5 rpm's and gets louder till it switches gear and does it again. if i accel.. real fast u can't hear it, only when driving normal, well it's not loud only when i have something next to me to echo the swound back, and thats when i can really hear it, the walls are the worse. well i went under the car and hit or shake the ex.. pipe, it sounds almost like. the wrose is when i hit it it at that little box on the ex..pipe that is in between the front tire on the TOD, hope u guys know what i'm talking about. anayways My Mach.. told me I prob.. need new Ex. pipes. and the same with my father in law, they both know alot about cars, but u all are pros with VX's so I NEED your help. like all u know i'm new here but getting alot of knowledge cuz of u guys, ty . So what do u guys think it could be?

OHHHHH by the way, the person that used to own this VX lived in Verg.. and moved to daytona beach. so its been in alot of salt, so u can just pic.. how bad this VX ex...pipes look.