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Thread: what cars have you guys raced, and who won.

  1. #31
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
    Thanked: 10
    Well, for those who have no experience with the way Montgomery County works, they STRIVE to be among the most ELITE locations in the "God Loving US of A". Understand, this is Montgomery County (MontCo), not the entire state. There are quite a few less fortunate counties in this state. I now live in Frederick County because I can not afford to live in MontCo anymore. When I am in MontCo, it is like night and day compared to FredCo.

    Someone like LA gets a smoking ban, MontCo throws a heavier ban. NY decides to pay their NYPD more, MontCo increases local law enforcement salaries 10% more than NY did. The wealthy start buying luxury homes in Colorado, MontCo allows destruction of woodlands and low income housing to build even more luxurious homes. It's an elitist society here and the wealthy push money to attempt to make this a Utopian development. For a county, we have "one of" the largest and highest budgeted law enforcement organisations in the US. You can not drive 2 minutes without seeing a police cruiser. Granted, thats not a bad thing IMHO, but it does make you feel belittled and untrusted by Big Brother. There is LOTS of money that runs the system here, and those without it, just try to play by the rules.

    EDIT: I just want to add, it's not the police here that are the problem. They are doing their job and they do it quite well. We just have a LOT of them and this means they get bored sometimes and will get people for the most minor of violations. Just yesterday I watched a cop pull a guy over for laying on his horn for more than 3 secs because a woman cut him off. He probably got a road rage lecture, which it clearly wasnt, but, the cop was just exiting a Starbucks where.... I am sure.... he was spending some of his BORED time, heh.
    Gary Noonan
    '01 S/C VX / '18 Forester XT

  2. #32
    Member Since
    Jan 2007
    *BHC* 1999 Ironman. :D 0454
    Thanked: 0


    never in my Life i'm moving there, sounds like a happy brady bunch style of living, witch is not bad, but not for me, cuz for that kind of, i see why the cops are everywhere, but 1 price pays for the other.i truely prefare a small town with the same family feeling town , but the freedom of liveing in the U.S. . i'll give up a city in a heart beat for a small town with freedom and friends, but thats my openion, .

    to add to that, when i say freedom, i don't mean breaking the law, meaning having FUN. And again you guys, i not in to street racing, my brothers are, well where when they where younger, but they are my older brothers so i grew up bing in cars while street racing, so i guess thats where i get the urge 1 in ablue moon to race a kook out there, thats all. but if i wanted to i then I would have bought me a s2000 instead and got into that ball field. Just cuz in this state u can get away with doing that more often, does not mean I do it when i feel like it. I just simply like speed(the MPH, not drug, LOL) extrem sports, danger, thats why I wanted to write this topic, cuz i know there are few here that like very upbeat activities, thats all. . but all you guys are cool, i just got upset yesterday, cuz i was having a bad day, and i have writen some topics before for help and had little or no help , but those times where few thats all. nothing to u all, and sorry again.
    Last edited by CoastieCosta567 : 04/17/2007 at 10:06 AM

    Whats the Point of Living, if You don't go BIG.....
    Turning My VX Into Rally VX

  3. #33
    Member Since
    May 2006
    2001 Foxfire 1232
    Thanked: 0
    Quote Originally Posted by WormGod
    Well, for those who have no experience with the way Montgomery County works, they STRIVE to be among the most ELITE locations in the "God Loving US of A". Understand, this is Montgomery County (MontCo), not the entire state. There are quite a few less fortunate counties in this state. I now live in Frederick County because I can not afford to live in MontCo anymore. When I am in MontCo, it is like night and day compared to FredCo.

    Someone like LA gets a smoking ban, MontCo throws a heavier ban. NY decides to pay their NYPD more, MontCo increases local law enforcement salaries 10% more than NY did. The wealthy start buying luxury homes in Colorado, MontCo allows destruction of woodlands and low income housing to build even more luxurious homes. It's an elitist society here and the wealthy push money to attempt to make this a Utopian development. For a county, we have "one of" the largest and highest budgeted law enforcement organisations in the US. You can not drive 2 minutes without seeing a police cruiser. Granted, thats not a bad thing IMHO, but it does make you feel belittled and untrusted by Big Brother. There is LOTS of money that runs the system here, and those without it, just try to play by the rules.

    EDIT: I just want to add, it's not the police here that are the problem. They are doing their job and they do it quite well. We just have a LOT of them and this means they get bored sometimes and will get people for the most minor of violations. Just yesterday I watched a cop pull a guy over for laying on his horn for more than 3 secs because a woman cut him off. He probably got a road rage lecture, which it clearly wasnt, but, the cop was just exiting a Starbucks where.... I am sure.... he was spending some of his BORED time, heh.
    The funny thing is, Montgomery Co is right next to Prince Georges about night and day.

    I can attest to the police presence tho...I got stopped once on I-270 by Mont Co cop for speeding,.. 59 in a 55 mph zone. My attitude wasn't too good when he told me what he stopped me for, so yeah I got a ticket.

  4. #34
    Member Since
    Jan 2007
    *BHC* 1999 Ironman. :D 0454
    Thanked: 0
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    The funny thing is, Montgomery Co is right next to Prince Georges about night and day.

    I can attest to the police presence tho...I got stopped once on I-270 by Mont Co cop for speeding,.. 59 in a 55 mph zone. My attitude wasn't too good when he told me what he stopped me for, so yeah I got a ticket.

    thats crazy, cuz i talked to this cop in orlando before and they said they have a personal rule that most cops in orlando go for and its a 7mph break anything past that is when they react, but most just chill with 5-7 mph over the speed limit.

  5. #35
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
    Thanked: 0
    I've got my own peculair way of racing.

    For some bizarre reason, the towns through which I commute every day (I drive the back-roads, not the freeways) like to tear up their roads every six months or so - I'm not kidding it seems like they finally get them repaved and a week later they are all ripped up again.

    Lots of the time, they'll do one lane at a time. So when the traffic is low, like after rush hour, people will drive partly or even completely in the other lane - to avoid the unpaved lane that they 'belong' in.

    Whenever I see an SUV do that in front of me, I make a point of sticking in unpaved lane and keeping up. Even unpaved, the roads are easily within the capabilities of any half-decent SUV. The speed limit is usually 30 or 35 so it isn't that fast, just that whenever I see an SUV avoiding even the most minimal off-road experience it makes me think *pu*ssy* and I have to show them how lame they are. They probably just think I'm a dumbass for taking the bumpy road.

  6. #36
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    2001 Ebony 0177
    Thanked: 0
    Quote Originally Posted by WyrreJ
    I've got my own peculair way of racing.

    For some bizarre reason, the towns through which I commute every day (I drive the back-roads, not the freeways) like to tear up their roads every six months or so - I'm not kidding it seems like they finally get them repaved and a week later they are all ripped up again.

    Lots of the time, they'll do one lane at a time. So when the traffic is low, like after rush hour, people will drive partly or even completely in the other lane - to avoid the unpaved lane that they 'belong' in.

    Whenever I see an SUV do that in front of me, I make a point of sticking in unpaved lane and keeping up. Even unpaved, the roads are easily within the capabilities of any half-decent SUV. The speed limit is usually 30 or 35 so it isn't that fast, just that whenever I see an SUV avoiding even the most minimal off-road experience it makes me think *pu*ssy* and I have to show them how lame they are. They probably just think I'm a dumbass for taking the bumpy road.
    Bet you purposly drive thru puddles to roostertail tailgaters too

  7. #37
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2

    Thumbs up

    Hey dude, as with all forums, you should never take anything to heart. Its a great forum, imho, and VASTLY superior (in both content and participants) to any other forum I have been on.

    95% of all web forums are chock full of idiots who endlessly bicker and act like its a freaking high school popularity contest. This forum however, is 95% devoid of that BS, which is why I love it.

    I comment a lot on here, but like many others, only on threads that I feel compelled to comment on. There are PLENTY of threads that I don't even look at, and it never has anything to do with who I know and who I don't know.

    So chin up man! We are all with ya!


    PS - Trying to think back, once in Chicago I was going west on Lake street and this douchebag got next to me at a red light, obviously he wanted to speed past and get in front of me in his car (can't remember what it was, maybe an 80s Camaro). Needless to say, I pushed the POWER button and didn't let it happen. He was surprised to see my little black jumping spider spring at the green.

    Quote Originally Posted by CostieCosta
    u guys are right, i'm sorry for being stupid, i just have had a rough day, so i had to loose some steam and took it out here, sorry again, i just hope people would pay more attention to the new guys and gals, so they can stick around longer and maybe end up never getting rid of there VXs. thats all. but u guys are right and pretty much all of it.

  8. #38


    I beat an Audi S4 in the snow while yelling "Wheres your Quattro now Bitch!!" out my window . . .

    Thats the most memorable.
    - To Err Is Human, To GET SOME is Divine -

  9. #39
    Member Since
    Jan 2007
    *BHC* 1999 Ironman. :D 0454
    Thanked: 0
    lol, bro thats funny as H3LL, lol.

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