Well folks, I don't know what to think, I may be teetering on the edge of insanity...
Due to a lay-off last year, I haven't held a full time position since before Christmas.
During the last week or two, several different people from the company I worked for a couple years ago have contacted me trying to get me to come back.
I HATE working for large corporate entities, with all the rules & BS that entails, & really didn't want to go back to work for them.
Yesterday I had an interview with the GM from said company...he started things off on the wrong foot by being 1/2 hour late.
Things went OK after we got started, with him offering about 95% of what I was going for...until the conversation came around to random pee testing...
We were on opposing sides of the issue & I said "this meeting is over".

Sooo...it boils down to me kissing off a $40,000.00+ position with vaca & health bennies, IRA, etc., to work in a small family owned shop for a LOT less jing & no bennies to speak of...but I totally enjoy working there & look forward to going to work in the morning.

Sorry for rambling on for so long, just wanted to hear what my VX family has to say on this...