Thought a few people might benefit from this...

About half an hour out of Moab on my way home my CHECK ENGINE light comes on.
"Oh great, only another 1590 miles to go...".

Pulled up the code in the ScanGauge II: 0352 (ignition coil #2 malfunction) -
"ok, I've seen this before - clear it...".

a minute later, CE again, same 0352, clear, CE, clear, CE, clear - "oh-oh."
now my stomach started sinking... but since the engine ran fine - no misfires or stutters, I kept going (all the while pulling up NAPA stores in my GPS). The CE light came on about 20 times between Moab and Denver with same code.

Since it was late Saturday and I wanted to make it home on Sunday, I stopped at a NAPA in Denver and picked up a new ignition coil ($120) just to have it on hand if something failed. (#$%#^! it was black, not red - "I ain't using this - it's not colour matched.")

As part of the troubleshooting (what I should have done 300 miles earlier ) I swapped existing ignition coils between cylinder #1 and #2 - hoping to see the CE code show 0351 - (malfunction in coil #1) proving the error to follow the "bad" coil.

1600 miles later, no CE light at all!!

I'm figuring it was just a faulty connection, and unplugging them and plugging them back in doing the swap, fixed the error message. whew!!!

So I was able to return the coil to NAPA here in Canada - even though it was bought in Denver (cool!) and picked up some front bearings and seals in case I need em during my re-pack.

In a similar story...
Last year I thought I was not going to make Moab after getting a flashing TRANSMISSION light about 5 hours from home in South Dakota. As I was turning off to get gas it started flashing. But again, I did not notice any change in gear shifts or performance. After trying to find an open transmission shop in a nearby town around 4p.m. on a Saturday with no luck, I had someone check this site for me with the search function for a similar event. Sure enough, there has been a few false errors - so I reset the code by disconnecting the battery for 15 min. and kept on trucking the next day. (it was an 18 hour drive to make to Glenwood Springs that day )
It's been over a year now and no appearance of that transmission light.(knock, knock) must have been a wire that got knocked around a bit hard....

Just curious if others have had CE codes that had similar simple fixes as opposed to major repairs or replacements...