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Thread: aftermarket ECU?

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  1. #1
    Member Since
    Apr 2007
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    aftermarket ECU?

    I am new to the community and greatly interested in the supercharger to get more power out of the vcross.
    My question would be is there any aftermarket engine management support the vcross? something like a ECU chip piggyback or complete ECU replacement?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jan 2007
    VX Skeleton owner
    Thanked: 6
    Unfortuneately, there is really nothing out there for the VX as far as aftermarket ECU goes. The isuzu code hasn't been cracked(so no reflashing either) and from what I understand, the only thing you could try and mess with is the Megasquirt program to tinker with the fuel injection, but since our psi from the supercharger is effectively capped, I don't think that extra fuel without extra air is going to do much. A new engine and tranny would allow you to do whatever you want though.
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on me.

  3. #3
    You can buy a piggyback unit at a shop who does lpg conversions.
    Not cheap, but It works!

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    Flashing, or chipping works best on forced induction engines. They just have more latitude built into the design. Normally aspirated engines have much narower parameters for operation, by design they are pretty close to their optimum settings. Putting a supercharger on a naturally aspirated engine, does NOT make it a forced induction engine! You may (or may not) pick up a few HP doing an intake and exhaust swap, but expect little in the way of "seat-of-the -pants" type gains. When kids come to the shop with their Civic/Grand Am/ Acura and start going on about the 50/75/sometimes more, Hp gains from a chip... I smile and sigh a little inside. You MAY get a 10 pony bump... but honestly, that's about it. The S/C bolt on, is the only real way to get much more from this platform...and even its gain is pretty modest. You'll find the transmission won't take much more than 240 or 250hp. anyway. Save your money. Don't bother with magnets, ionizers, air spinners in the intake stream, or any of that performance enhancing crap. If it worked, you'd see it on cars at don't think a 2dollar "Tornado" (sold for 60!)wouldn't be in every car made, if it did ANY of the stuff it claims?? No magnets on any Ferrari I've ever seen. Guys peddling this crap should be hung up by their scrotties. Wayne

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