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Thread: ))) Just when you think you're a lifer (((

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    ))) Just when you think you're a lifer (((

    vx'ers have come and gone.
    some come back to the fold after a brief affair.
    some permanently...

    i'm a lifer. but i must admit, there are a few shiny lasses out there that tempt me from time to time. more so lately it would seem...

    honestly, sometimes i think about how exciting it is to mod my vx. but after the mods are done I kind of feel like, "meh. what now?" almost as if i'm bored (i know, that sounds terrible... sorry.) then, i get to daydreaming about sportier whips, practical whips and even a regular truck or luxury vehicle... - maybe even something under warranty? (gasp.)

    ((...and no, the above ^ isn't a big metaphor for my relationships. ha!))

    for those who've thought about parting with their vx for various, *eh-hem*, 'greener' pastures... how did you overcome these blasphemous feelings? (besides shock therapy or gratuitous use of pharmaceuticals).


    He lingers -- happily -- in a new hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance.


  2. #2
    Member Since
    Feb 2006
    99 Silver 0210
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    Beej: Whilst shock therapy is fun for the whole family, the answer for me has always been to keep some sort of alternate project in the garage.

    I know you well enough to know that we are very similar (except for your rugged, Marlboro Man type looks).

    I MUST mod something...a VX, a bike, a tricycle, a hairdryer.....something.

    When you get your fill of the VX, wash her up nice and clean, tuck her in for the night and go cheat on her with another garage project for a while. She'll understand, and when you get back together, the "makeup mods" will be the best ever!


  3. #3
    Member Since
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    2001 Ebony 0177
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    I get it bad, every few weeks. I get to drive so much stuff at work, and see how it's screwed together, that I can often scratch an itch and usually find a deal breaker in that new, shiny apple. We have 5 cars now, and I can tick off a dozen others on my short list. The other thing is, the cars I truly lust after, are just silly, expensive, useless things...really only suited for track duty, (CLK63 AMG BLACK!) You get the idea. (GT3R) it'll never end. It's as much an addiction as much as Coke, or any other. In short Beej...there is no cure. Just one day at a time.

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Jul 2006
    2000 IronMan #11
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    Well its the times when people come up the car and ask about it that keeps me in it.


    Two kids walking into a grocery store this weekend were getting tugged by their mom becuase they were laggin in the street staring at the VX. Saying mommy mommy I bet that spaceship can fly. Can it?

    Some skater teenagers came up to me tuesday. And said "Dude I bet that thing can go under water and shi$. It looks like a submarine on wheels."

    And my all fav.
    Happened a coupld months ago.
    I live near and went to school in a farm community school. Graduated with a class of under a 100.

    Just imagine an ill toothed, skinny man with a light brown badly cut mullet hair cut. Wearing tight cut off blue jean shorts, cut above the kneed and a peach monster truck tank top.

    Well this character stares as I pull up to fill gas, watches as I fill, watches when I go inside to get my $0.59 32oz polar pop, watches as I enter the VX again and as the girl and I discuss how she is freaked out about how she releized him starring at me and the car so much (she thought he was starring because of her being inside, ha). So this guy in the drivers seat then gets in an arguement you can hear with this wife or sister or could be a combo of the two in the passernger seat (who happens to outwieght him by 2.5x). He peels out in his Chevy celebrity only to come to a hault 6ft later and get out of the car, saying "woman I aint gots ta listen to your crap I am going to ask?" Comes to the car and asks the normal "what n day heil is dat thang?" I answer "Its a VehiCROSS. He replies " That is the badest mother facker I have seen in a minute." and leaves.

    i doesnt end there. I have seen him twice since, and now he thinks we are friends and follows me into the store talking about anything and everything. So now Iv got this guy twice my age following me around in the gas station.

    THAT is what keeps me driving this VX.
    Even when my $400 monthly payments chaps my ***** and when it gulps 22 gallons of gas faster than I can drink my polar pop.

    I just truely love to pay the price to be different and get reactions like that out of people.

  5. #5
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Well Biju, I guess this is where you and I definitely differ. I am 100% with you when you say you have the urge to mod stuff. But to me, while the modding is part of the fun, I get an extreme amount of satisfaction in the completion of the project, and my putting it to use. I don't feel bored with my VX, and when it is "done" I can only imagine the feeling I have now, will get even stronger (that feeling being that every time I look at my VX I think to myself, "damn, that sh1t looks mean!")

    In your case, you created what I think is the best audio system mod I have ever seen with my own eyes, so how could you not want to keep your VX for many years and enjoy the fruits of your labor? I can safely say that I am about 75% done with the things I would like to do to my VX. And when I am done, I will feel happy and satisfied that my ride is exactly the way I want it, and can do all the things I want it to. And then you just sit back, crack open an ice cold Blue Moon, and revel in your accomplishments and the fact that it is YOURS, and yours alone.

    And then there is the simple fact that the VehiCROSS is one of, if not the coolest SUV ever produced. There are loads of vehicles I would love to test out, and possibly own, but not in exchange for my beloved Ebony.

    So like Bim said, just take on another project, and enjoy your beautiful, pristine Proton that makes us all jealous when we see it.

    After my VX is "done", I will be moving on to a new project (a 1976 Aussie Ford Falcon) which will eventually get finished as well, and will hopefully be a garage mate for my VX for many, many years. After that...the list goes on!


  6. #6
    Member Since
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    Former 2001 Proton/2000 Ironman
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    Butters...the solution is simple...Go back to Moab!!! then you will realize that you are cooler than everyone else out there...except for the other Vx's with you of course It's sporty, it's practical and it's a luxury to drive it!!! Are you convinced yet?
    Last edited by VXIRONwoMAN : 07/07/2007 at 11:47 PM

    - Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Apr 2004
    2000, Ebony, VX, 0370
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    I don't have an in depth answer for you. All I know is that EVERY time I look at the VX I get a big smile on my face, and NO other car does that to me. I guess it's love, because I can't image life without it.
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Mar 2005
    01 Ebony - #0379
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    Quote Originally Posted by biju
    vx'ers have come and gone.
    some come back to the fold after a brief affair.
    some permanently...

    i'm a lifer. but i must admit, there are a few shiny lasses out there that tempt me from time to time. more so lately it would seem...

    honestly, sometimes i think about how exciting it is to mod my vx. but after the mods are done I kind of feel like, "meh. what now?" almost as if i'm bored (i know, that sounds terrible... sorry.) then, i get to daydreaming about sportier whips, practical whips and even a regular truck or luxury vehicle... - maybe even something under warranty? (gasp.)

    ((...and no, the above ^ isn't a big metaphor for my relationships. ha!))

    for those who've thought about parting with their vx for various, *eh-hem*, 'greener' pastures... how did you overcome these blasphemous feelings? (besides shock therapy or gratuitous use of pharmaceuticals).

    hey you! crazy talker, what's the problem??
    keep the VX and go buy your next car...
    what? that "money" thing??
    go put on some fishnets and stroll the avenue for a few nights... money problem solved!
    (uh-oh, I think I hurt my brain picturing that)

  9. #9
    Member Since
    Feb 2006
    2001,Kaiser Silver, VX, 0563
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    i get that.. the other day i was out at a lot looking at a semi restored '79 camaro that needed a whole of interior work that i was dying to buy.. but wouldve had to sell the vx to get.... but the other day i planned a road trip with a bunch of friends and my other car was elected to drive.. which meant i had to trade my sis my vx for it so she would still have somethin to drive.. which means im without my vx for a whole week! my first thought was.. oh man how can i goo a week without my vx... so yea.. i know shes stayin in my posession for awhile longer..

    also after driving my moms 03 accord for a weekend.. i really missed being thrown into the ceiling while driving on bumpy roads... and being able to feel the road through turns.. and sitting up high.. and having a zippy engine.. and having people point and look and turn and ask about it.. and my VX
    Last edited by etlsport : 07/05/2007 at 07:59 PM

    "Engineers believe if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet"

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Dec 2004
    Former owner of Supercharged #0604, now in withdrawal
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    Buy yourself an old Porsche. ;-) Seriously, what everyone's saying is that adding to the collection does not detract from the VX, and in many ways enhances it. When the 928 is in the driveway, I park the VX on the cul-de-sac, and when I drive down the road and see it from this new perspective, shining in the sun, I've been re-realizing what a great-looking ride it is.

    Btw, what's all this "sh1t" and "facker" crap all of a sudden?! I've always liked this board because it's always been pretty clean and nicey-nice compared to every other board out there. I'm not worried about little kiddies seeing such coarse language, and I swear like a sailor in everyday conversation - it's just that I've always enjoyed this board for being a bit of a haven from all that.

    Just my two cents... (dismount soapbox and ...STICK the landing!)

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Feb 2007
    2001 Proton VX #0690
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    Quote Originally Posted by JHarris1385
    Well its the times when people come up the car and ask about it that keeps me in it.

    Two kids walking into a grocery store this weekend were getting tugged by their mom becuase they were laggin in the street staring at the VX. Saying mommy mommy I bet that spaceship can fly. Can it?
    I was driving it home from the dealership, when a kid at the gas station says, "Wow. I've never seen one of those before." I had to reply, "Well, this is only about the third time I've seen one..."

    Just this weekend, while coming down out of the mountains, I suprised a pair of mountain bikers. One says, "You scared us!" The other says, "We thought it was a bear!" The first says, "Yeah, a big, yellow bear..."

  12. #12
    Member Since
    Mar 2006
    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
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    Quote Originally Posted by VehiGAZ
    Btw, what's all this "sh1t" and "facker" crap all of a sudden?! I've always liked this board because it's always been pretty clean and nicey-nice compared to every other board out there. I'm not worried about little kiddies seeing such coarse language, and I swear like a sailor in everyday conversation - it's just that I've always enjoyed this board for being a bit of a haven from all that.

    Just my two cents... (dismount soapbox and ...STICK the landing!)
    Gaz.....(and anyone else)
    i TOTALLY agree, i have always enjoyed not haveing to read that kind of stuff, i hear enough of it around the job sites, and about everywhere else, that is is really nice to "get away" in our little corner of the world......not picking on JHarris....he was quoteing.

    Jharris.....POLAR POPS.....MMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM my biggest vice, since we are all friends here, i go thru about 4 on a slow day, each one 32 oz.
    i refuse to do the math on that because i hate to think i drink that much soda...


    as far as getting "bored" with the vx.....others have eluded to this also, but go for a couple of months without driving it. ok, dont go that extreme, go a couple of weeks without driving it, go buy a 400.00 pacer, or gremelin, or full size "hooptie" van, drive that, blend in with all the other rides out there, DONT recieve the waves, looks, point at's, kids bouncing up and down in their seats, etc, etc for a while, get to the point where you feel like it was all just a dream, and when you reach that point, raise the garage door, and smmmiiiilllleeee its yours, alllllllll yours buah ha ha HA

  13. #13
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    VX Adopted Out. 2005 BMW 325CI & 2006 4Runner.
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    thanks all...

    however, *please* don't confuse my point - I AM A LIFER. and i know all about the greatness that is the vx. you know i'm sold. after all, i owned two at one point - and would have one (completely restored to new!) in every color if i could... (wouldn't we all?)

    i'm stoked on my accomplishments on the vx (and do enjoy em'). and yes, i talk to her every night when locking up the house: "good night baby." "see you tomorrow"... (hahaha... i need help).

    honestly, i think bim/vehigaz hit the nail on the head! i need a new project. simple & brilliant answer...

    and seeing how my efforts have been 110% geared towards the vx in the last few years, naturally that's where i look to when i need to expend my project 'energies'... it's been my obsession. but i'm a wee bit burned out on vx mods i guess. thus my drifting thoughts... project. hmmmm.... that's it, totally......

    ahhhh... gotta love family support. gracias.


  14. #14
    Member Since
    Jul 2006
    EX-1999, Ebony, VX, #0562 - You Are MISSED!
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    Well it sounds like to me......... you need a woman.

    Just jokin'!

    So uh just go get yourself a 911 and tear her up during the summer and give your VX the winter lovin'. Throw in a motorcycle and what do you have?! One hella happy garage with indeed a pretty happy man!!

    ....Thats what I look for in a guy afterall.
    Last edited by vxDAKINECHICvx : 07/05/2007 at 08:43 PM
    *VX CHIC*

  15. #15
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2
    Sorry man, I am guilty of using 13375P34K adult language. I just do it cause that is the way I think and talk, and for me to replace sh1t with something like poop is sometimes hard to do. I will try to refrain the future.


    Quote Originally Posted by VehiGAZ
    Buy yourself an old Porsche. ;-) Seriously, what everyone's saying is that adding to the collection does not detract from the VX, and in many ways enhances it. When the 928 is in the driveway, I park the VX on the cul-de-sac, and when I drive down the road and see it from this new perspective, shining in the sun, I've been re-realizing what a great-looking ride it is.

    Btw, what's all this "sh1t" and "facker" crap all of a sudden?! I've always liked this board because it's always been pretty clean and nicey-nice compared to every other board out there. I'm not worried about little kiddies seeing such coarse language, and I swear like a sailor in everyday conversation - it's just that I've always enjoyed this board for being a bit of a haven from all that.

    Just my two cents... (dismount soapbox and ...STICK the landing!)

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