As I'm nearing the end of most of the cosmetic mods projects I'm thinking ahead to the one last thing that would make my VX the BEST damn vehicle in the world (for me)....get my VX to sober up and kick the petro addiction! Rehab baby!

With the recent rave about the Tesla ( and more importantly the specific battery technology it uses..

and also with the latest from the new electric SUV (

I'm wondering if the time is coming closer to where one could modify the VX using an electric motor, achieving non emissions status, having 100% torque immediately (beyond TOD), a very quiet ride and more importantly one would only pull into a gas station for snacks and drinks...

I did see someone post something but it was dated a couple of years ago. In this post they talked about converting the VX to ethanol or a hybrid. These are also good ideas (if possible) however I want to take the ideal jump and not use any type of liquid fuel.

A company in Indianapolis will convert the VX to liquid propane however there are only 2 stations for me locally that provide it not to mention that the mod is not considered street legal in KY....yet.

Using a KY grant, within a year my home will be completely solar (with the help of a separate solar AC system). If I could some day convert the VX to electric and have the same or more HP and speed.... hmmmm

If anyone else has been keeping up with electric motors and electric cars... please chime in. I'm thinking that at some point the technology in both the SUV and the Tesla will be available as a kit or to purchase something similar as an aftermarket option. Or maybe piecing together something. The technology used for the power using nano technology ( may offer aftermarket kits. Electric motors already exist as well as many of the other components (at least I think so)

Just wanted to brainstorm with any one else thinking along these lines or that would also seriously consider such a mod if/when it's available and reasonably affordable.

If converting the VX to electric (again, if it's even possible) would have the same benefits as the original EV1 and Phoenix Motors products in regards to service (meaning the absence of many mechanical items that require sheduled maintenace or parts, filters, etc) then I would personaly invest up to about $7k or $8k for the mod.

Brainstormers welcome
