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Thread: Hey Indiana?

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    2001 Ebony 0177
    Thanked: 0

    Hey Indiana?

    What is the status of your vehicle? Haven't heard anything lately. Wayne

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Mar 2006
    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
    Thanked: 0

    well chopster, the dealer got 1 converter in on tuesday last week, and the other is on backorder. he didnt have any idea when i would be in, but my service order was upgraded, so im back at the top of the list to get the first one available. i am also nationaly listed as (i think he said) "DOR" dead off road, which also alerts the wire, or whatever. he couldnt tell which one came in, driver side or pass. seems someone recently went thru the same thing, and had to wait for 5 months??? NOS something??? not sure....... the fair is here in town, and that is always my alarm, that summer is over. so i guess i missed out on all my summer vx fun, its pretty depressing.
    i have paperwork, and script for small claims court all laid out and ready to add my billing for the cat repair, and such.
    gotta time it all juuuussssttt, could i have thought of a worse play on words.....ugh, i think i just threw up a

    thanks for the concern.
    i have been modding and crusin vicariously thru all you guys this summer. as enjoyable as that is, that is gettin to me. i miss the foxfire

    hope all is well with you
    thanks again for askin.....its appreciated
    121 days, and counting

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    2001 Ebony 0177
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    If this was something we'd done at the shop, you'd have been in a more stone to cast when the time comes. You've been deprived of something damn near as important to life, as food or oxygen...your transportation...the thing that allows you to make your way in a capitalist society. You deserve to be made whole! Have you spoken to an attorney?

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Feb 2006
    2001 Proton Yellow #1199
    Thanked: 0
    Indiana, I've been off line for awhile (internet problems). Seems like I missed out on some info regarding your vehicular status. Give me an update and let me know if I can help. Chris
    :_drool: It's all fun and games until it can't be fixed!

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Mar 2006
    2001 FOXFIRE 0579
    Thanked: 0
    Quote Originally Posted by Chopper
    Have you spoken to an attorney?
    i have briefly talked to a lawyer friend of mine, but he is filling in as judge for the next year, and he suggested small claims court, but he really wasnt able to "counsel" me. and talk about the plot thickening, get this, a buddy of mine, and myself have been working on a development plan consisting of around 1500 acres, plus the acerage for a resivour, and ill give you one guess who owns some of the acreage that we are interested in making an offer on.......any wild guesses???

    its the mechanic that worked on the vx. his property would back up the the property that we are working on, its not absoulutly needed, but would be nice to have, since it would provide land for a new road on higher land, since the old road would be flooded in the lake.

    again, there are so many things that have to line about stress!!! my buddy and i are talking it all out, he thinks i shouldnt sue, or at very least, find out what the statute of limitations on this kind of suit would be. maybe buy the property, then sue him......just dont know.

    one thing i do know is this. once we get the bulldozers out, and start cutting roads in the woods, i want to have a vx meet, and do some mudding on the "trails" we will be making!!!

    so tis my complicated many of ours are

    i do have pleanty of points outlined in my claim.....lack of economical transportation is in there as well, and YES, the vx IS economical compaired to the RMS and all the maintenance ive had to do since ive taken it out of the moth balls. serp belt, starter, brakes, rotors, harmonic balancer, universals on both ends.....(sitting is so hard on a vehicle)
    so blah blah blah, my attitude is going south typing about it, so i better end this rant, and go look at the mods section......... or go to bantams gallery......that usually puts a smile back on my

    thanks peeps

    this is the kind of stuff we delt with a couple of years ago on a different project.
    ugh, the lake now is not that big.....and its in a different spot
    Last edited by IndianaVX : 07/29/2007 at 05:46 PM

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