While reading through different threads, & I'm sorry I can't remember who posted it, I came across something having to do with fuel line routing...didn't really think much about it at the time.
In any event, it triggered something in the recesses of what's left of my grey gorp & every once in a while, for no reason I'd find myself thinking of my supply line & it's close proximity to the EGR valve.
Tonight, while doing some other stuff under the hood, I caught a whiff of hi-test that got my attention. After a bit of investigation, I found that the normal torque motion of the engine had wedged my improperly secured fuel line solidly between one of the hard pipes of the cooling system & the EGR block...& that thing gets really HOT.
Of course, after removing the EGR & re-routing the fuel line & putting everything back together, I had a worse fuel leak than before...
Sooo, my morning project before work is to replace that section of fuel line.(I'm so lucky to have a great employer)
The point I'm getting to is, without all the great info found here & the people who share my addiction to this special little hot-rod, I could have theoretically been a fireball sometime in the next few days.

Thanks to this whole group, y'all are the best!