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Thread: Boredom

  1. #16
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn
    I am willing to hang out pretty much whenever Bart , you and I get along well I think. You seem to have a lot of knowledge concerning things that interest me. I always work Sundays unless it’s far enough in advance then I can schedule it off. It depends on what kind of uncomfortable you’re talking about by the way.
    I am talking about the wearing a gas mask and NBC suit, sweating and carrying a rifle kind of uncomfortable.

    If you want to go shooting soon, lets make a plan. I would like to check out that spot east of Reno sometime.


  2. #17
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    I am 100% down for a nice camping trip meetup. My only issue is that I have like NO vacation time left this year. It really chaps my @ss. But, I would be willing to do a long weekend or something before the end of the year.

    I'll see what my schedule is like....


    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS
    Clint, Bart, Beau... maybe we should set a date for that Elko camping trip - it would be good to look forward to getting away for a bit! It would also instilll some motivation, stepping out of the ho-hum boring norm. Money is tight for me too, man... but we don't want to turn into Jack from "The Shining" - gots to have some play time!!! With Bart's imagination and a few brews and a couple VX's in the desert, I am sure we could come up with some ridiculous short film of some sort (The Hills Have Eyes 3?)! So what say you guys; should we see how many others we can round up for a gun shooting, sanity saving, beer boozing, moving making, VX good time, camping trip? Or just plan on keeping it small? Ideas, schedules?! New thread? Let's do this!

  3. #18
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    You have Rubber Boas? I have no intentions of capturing or collecting. I simply would like to see them in their habitat and take some nice photos. From what I hear, the best way to find rubber boas is to take night drives along back roads. So I need to get my Hellas mounted soon.

    And yeah, Hellbenders are amazing...but I have never seen one in the wild.


    Quote Originally Posted by Chopper
    Bart! I'll sell you a Rubber Boa...leave the wild ones alone. You should see my Madagascan gecko collection. Ever see those GIANT Japanese salamanders? Back in Pa., twice, I found Hellbenders, near York, in the Susquehanna...big Sallyies. This was more than a few years ago..

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask
    I am talking about the wearing a gas mask and NBC suit, sweating and carrying a rifle kind of uncomfortable.

    If you want to go shooting soon, lets make a plan. I would like to check out that spot east of Reno sometime.

    Im down for both, let me know.

  5. #20
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Sounds good. I will try to give you a call later this week. The mother-in-law is in town until Friday, so I will be pretty swamped until then. And now that I think of it, I really need to buy some 7.62x39....


    Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn
    Im down for both, let me know.

  6. #21
    Member Since
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    Wait till just before dark, (twilight, call it) just after rain...particularly in the spring, when they're moving around to breed. They come out for the warmth in the asphalt. When we first came to Florida, I moved here with a good sized reptile collection, and was messing around with breeding. In '93, we started "Rephibia" a reptile shop. The biz took off, I aquired different permits and licenses, and in five years, was handling everything from big cats, Lemurs(still got 'em) and Binturangs, to Boas and Crocodile Monitors. I still have Kookaburras in the back yard(the neighbors actually love the crazy calls they a Tarzan movie. Our thing was always captive breeding...particularly the endangered stuff. We sold very few imports. Now I have stuff in several zoos. In 2002 we sold the's still running strong, but as more of a pet store these days( the new owner doesn't like the venemous stuff, and has no permits or interest for the exotic guys) I do a certain amount of breeding still. But Flagler Collision is taking up most of my time now. I have a real talent for making hobbies into livings Any animal questions you have, I can probably answer. Who else do you know that has been bitten by 300 species of wildlife and loves them all the more. I've some pretty impressive scars...everywhere Wayne

  7. #22
    Member Since
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    So recently I have been getting down on myself again. I have realized something over the last few months. I grew up with two guys that were brothers. The older brother had friends and we all became kind of a crew, brothers really. I don’t have that since I moved here. It has been really hard not having that group atmosphere to be around like I am used to but I am getting there.

    Bart, I still am interested in taking you up on those offers once all your house stuff is handled. I might be able to get that canoe I showed you and that will help me to get out some more.

    Justin, look forward to having a few brews with you in Moab. Are you camping in our group area?

    The beer statement goes for those of you I will be seeing in Moab, I can’t wait.

    I just re-read this thread and already feel better and wanted to thank you all again.

    Thanks again


  8. #23
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    Clint, I'm with you homey. I grew up with two brothers as well, and I miss them more than anybody I left back east. They are actually in Florida, and I really have not spent regular time with them since 1998, which totally sucks.

    Anyway, yeah, canoeing, camping, etc etc. Its gonna happen this summer. Its getting warmer, and I am almost done with the house BS (by the way, you free for about 3 hours on March 29th? - I gotta move the big stuff and could use an extra pair of hands! ).

    I have been looking at the Auburn Recreation Area also (about an 1.5 hours west of Reno off I-80) as another possible camping spot I would like to peep. I am still 100% planning on the April trip down to the Mammoth/Mono area.

    I also want to go shooting again soon, email me...

    Damn, I am a little stressed about the move. I gotta go to bed.


  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn View Post
    The beer statement goes for those of you I will be seeing in Moab, I can’t wait.

    I just re-read this thread and already feel better and wanted to thank you all again.

    Thanks again


    You MAY be able to find some interested parties in the vicinity of the Red Rock Lodge...just a guess, but I truly believe that there may be a libation of choice, or two, hoisted on a nightly basis.

  10. #25
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn View Post
    Justin, look forward to having a few brews with you in Moab. Are you camping in our group area?

    The beer statement goes for those of you I will be seeing in Moab, I can’t wait.
    Yeah, I am so down to camp and drink with you guys. Beer bongs and shots anyone?! I just put in for my time off so I will be pulling into Moab the evening of May 11 and leaving for home on the 15.

    As for getting down on one's self. I can relate to that lately - I'm not getting out enough anymore... I wonder why. But Clint! ...Spring time is a coming... blooms, BBQ's, brews, and bikinis! Just those thoughts make any guy feel better - I gots me da spring fever!! I have at least one trip planned for each of the next 5 months and that gives me something to look forward to (I'm leaving for Moab tonight). Plus here is a good trick... I claimed '99' for my taxes of the last 2 weeks and today is pay day (138 hours, over 1/3 are time-and-a-half and it's all tax free) and I'm getting my tax return next week. When I get back from Moab Monday I should have enough moolah to... well let's just say money CAN buy (temporary) happiness... and a lot of parts! Chin up man...
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  11. #26
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    I know what you mean Clint, I was going to see if you guys wanted to go out for a light hike on Saturday up at Galena creek, but I heard the storm was going to be destroying our weekend. I have the same problem as you though, it's hard to hang out for me when my schedule changes drastically on a daily basis. I get the same "cabin fever" thing going on too. It's funny because I love to go out and do stuff, but Megan and I are like an old married couple, we tend to stay home and not do much.
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on me.

  12. #27
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    This fall and winter were weird! There was a strange energy covering the planet(at least my part of it). I do massage and energy work, all my clients and just people I talked to were depressed,myself included. I think everybody is realizing what's around the corner. ps or we could be picking up vibes from a dying planet.
    Chi Dog...Dog is my Co-pilot
    Onward thru the fog
    Leave it BETTER than you found it!

  13. #28
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    I kind of know what you mean Scott. I just rewatched A River Runs Through It and Legends of the Fall (both Montana movies-where I'm originally from) and the stark, pristine beauty and simplicty they showed (both set around the early 1900's) and the no nonsense, straightforward way of life struck chords in me. It feels like civilization is the one dying to me. I took a trip out Mcdermott, NV earlier in the week, and it's 100% wasteland the whole way there. I got homesick pretty bad and got the feeling you describe too, like stuff just isn't right in the world. It was very surreal and disturbing at the same time.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascinder View Post
    It feels like civilization is the one dying to me. I took a trip out Mcdermott, NV earlier in the week, and it's 100% wasteland the whole way there. I got homesick pretty bad and got the feeling you describe too, like stuff just isn't right in the world. It was very surreal and disturbing at the same time.
    I totally know what you mean in talking about being "homesick" and I think we all can relate. We all have that place in our lives that we really call "home". That one safe heaven where we feel totally at ease and totally at peace. After each track meet I go back to my parents house which is pretty far out in the country in small town Texas, and I can see innumerial stars at night and hear the creek flowing in the backyard and sit in the swing on the back porch or on the tree swing on the oak in the front and just soak in nature and be at peace. To me we all need these times in our lives where we get away from it all and just meditate on life and what is really important to us and to those that we love and hold dear. Some people run away from this home trying to reinvent themselves along the way, some people spend their whole lives trying to remember where their peace comes from, and others seem to be able to find peace and get away from it all no matter where they are. I for one find this peace when I am away from home in prayer and meditation on God's Word. Everyone finds their peace and joy in different ways and I hope and pray that everyone here remembers who they are and where true joy to them really rests. I also hope and pray that WE ALL can find a peace and a joy that does not solely rest on temporary fleeting pleasures in this life but we all find something more meaningful than simply ourselves, but something that lasts longer than simply our 80-100 years here on earth. I believe that this longing to fill this hole inside of us, this desire to live for something larger than just ourselves, and this desire to find real deep meaningful joy is not simply an accident or a random common occurance in all of our lives, but I believe that these common desirings and longings inside of us is the eternity set on the hearts of man that Ecc 3:11 talks about:

    Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

    This is my point of view and I know some of you guys will not agree with me and some of you may, but I have found truth in all of what you guys have said and appreciate the opportunity to be apart of this unique community of VXers.
    in Christ,

  15. #30
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    Go get a woman to keep you busy.....

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