So the other day my friend and I went down to my family's river place to do some shooting and a little light wheeling. After a great day, including everything from absolutely destroying the woods at the end of out makeshift range to getting one of my tires almost a foot off the ground, something horrible happened. We were leaving and I decided to cut through some sand...Needless to say when I lost forward momentum I got stuck. The more I tried to get out the more stuck I got, as usual. So about the time that I buried the rear axle I had to walk back to my property to get my tractor.

I think I have to much power going to the rear end cause every time I try to get out it just dug deeper and deeper. I wish I had had the camera though because my gas tank was about 2 inches into the sand. You don't want to know what it took to get it out. Lets just say that between 4 guys, 2 shovels, a few 1x6's, and a New Holland 4x4 tractor that has a rear locker we got it out. And our tractor isn't little. The rear tires come up to the base of my neck and I'm 6'0 or so with my boots on to give you an idea. But it was ridiculous, but its all in good fun.