Originally Posted by
Personally I feel it made a huge improvement signs and objects light up much brighter.
Including the eyeballs of oncoming drivers.
I actually never have an issue with them if aimed according. Factory spec settings are NOT going to work for all cars that go with aftermarket HIDs and unfortunately, most clowns dont know and therefore, do not re-aim. It is especially noticeable when some !@#$ behind you has them. You are safe in the VX since you cant see their headlights without our poor view anyways, haha. In my Rex though, I will actually pull over and let these morons go by so I dont have to squint and reposition my head just to see.
Just a perspective from someone who is not the one behind the HIDs, but the one receiving.... and I have better than 20/20 vision, if that makes sense at all (so my opti-doc says).
Just re-aim your lights some after you get HIDs and you should be good to go.
Gary Noonan
'01 S/C VX / '18 Forester XT