SOOOOOO.... I took a little vacation this past week and let the VX be the mode of transport since there was some good dirt and sand trekking involved. Along the way, there was much highway use involved, and with this cursed Mid Atlantic heat and humidity, the A/C was a pumpin'. Cruising along just fine at anywhere between 65-70mph, with the occasional floor mash to pass andone not wanting to get out of my way, I looked down to notice at one point that my temp gauge was quite close to redline. I backed off the accel to about 60mph, turned off the A/C, and dropped the windows (HAAAIIIILP! ITS HOT AND NASTY!!) Within a minute, the temp went back to normal. For pewpew and giggles, I turned the A/C back on and watched it climb back up. Long story short, the A/C was no longer used for the trip, and my flesh was sad for that.

Well, back home this weekend and changed out the thermostat. All appeared to go better, but it still rose rapidly once I was up to highway speed with the A/C on. I tyried it on backroads and even within the city, and it still rose with A/C on. She runs completely normal with it off however. I am SURE that the S/C sucking in hotter than normal air (temps and humidity make it extremely uncomfortable for me to even breathe) is not helping much, but that is unnavoidable.

I am not much of an A/C guy, especially since I RARELY use it, but this summer had been a record intense here. I now come to you folks who may have some suggestions on the S/C operation in hot weather with use of the A/C. Any suggestions welcome.