I've actually had the opposite happen to me recently. I called a guy about tinting the windows in the VX the other day, and when he asked me what kind of car it was (presumably so he could look it up in a book to give me a quote) I told him an Isuzu VehiCross. I jokingly asked him if he had ever heard of one, and he said yes. He quickly gave me a quote for it and I was on my way.
I was stunned that he had heard of the VX before. That also happened to me at the place that I get my oil changed. I attribute it to the fact that I live in a small valley with three VX's, and even though I never see the other VX's there are only one or two places to get your oil changed and your windows tinted, so I'm guessing that one of the other guys has been to both places.
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless