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Thread: Remember 9-11

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  1. #1
    Member Since
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    Remember 9-11

    Can't believe that it has been 6 years since the world trade centers were destroyed by terrorists. Watching the reruns of that day still bring chills to me.
    I was at work getting ready for the day watching tv and saw the first building burning and the news people takling about a plane crashing into the building. Just then, I saw the 2nd plane crash into the other building. It is one of those days you will never forget.

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    Yes it was tragic but we have many tragedies that occur all the time. I did not lose anybody I am sorry for those who did. When will we be allowed to get over this and not see daily complaints from survivors that the memorial site is not big enough, that they are not getting enough money to compensate them for their loss, etc? I know this may sound mean but the daily shoving it in my face for 6 years has caused me no longer grieve.

  3. #3
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    i dont believe its about grieving anymore. its more about remeberance. 9/11 is a time to remember not only the people in the trade center but to remeber all of those lost in the war on terror.

    you may not agree with the war but, you have to respect the soldiers that are there fighting for us everyday.

    today I will pray for those lost and those that still fight, that they may come home soon, victorious.
    My cow died last night I don't need your bull!

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    I guess I have an opinion on 9-11.

    I, like many in here, watched it unfold on the Today show. I was up unusually early.Hearing Katie Couric gasp "oh my god" as the second plane hit still sends chills up my spine.
    I just remember there was so much mis-information and no one knew what was really happening.
    Though I don't blame Bush for not preventing it, even though he has substancial documents in his possession beforehand.I think if the shoe was on the other foot, the republicans would have blamed Gore in the mid term elections for being "weak" on national defense and made it a big issue.
    911 was a sucker-punch to the unsuspecting gut of America.I think most of the civilized world felt sympathy for us.
    I remember so many cars had American flags on them,suddenly being white,black, or mexican, or chinese did not matter so much. We were all in the same boat, against an enemy without a homeland to nuke the crap out of.
    Although I heard the hijackers called cowardly,I never thought of them as that. Crazy yes, cowardly no..I think it is cowardly to push a button from 300 miles away and launch a long range missile that will kill people. I think to be the bomb, and launch yourself into a building, takes a different mindset entirely.
    I am of the mind that the "war on terror" will be won when young islamic militants don't want to kill us anymore.If they don't want us in their holy land, I say we leave. I would not want a bunch of crazy towelheads in my backyard,So I understand.
    Have we gotten payback from 911? We have killed a lot of people, most of them having nothing to do with 911. I think I would feel better if we could catch Osama and drop a good size building on him....

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE
    911 was a sucker-punch to the unsuspecting gut of America.
    Very well put my friend, it certainly was.

    We all Have been effected by this.

    One of our own, user name "Wekilled" is due back to Fort Lewis soon. Hopes to be home to take his kids out 'Tricker Treating' Hope he comes by my house.

    There was a email I got the other day that said: 'Treat everyday like a canine. If you can't screw it or eat it, then piss on it and walk away' I laughed like I hope you did. I sent it around to everyone on my email list, including Doug (WeKilled). His response: (and I paraphrase)

    'We had just been hit by a IED, a couple of weeks ago, buddy lost a leg. I was all colors of pissed off. We formed up at the Cross Sabers in Bagdad. I walked over and pissed on them, felt good'

    Sorry, just had to share

    Come home safe Doug
    Greetings, Earthling. We come in peace... Never mind "Paris to Dakar", the VehiCROSS looks ready for the Martian desert.

  6. #6
    Member Since
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    I was listening to Glen Beck today and yesterday and he was talking about the information about the terrorists targeting schools next.

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    ... I was in a plane in Germany about to fly back to Chicago. After 30 minutes of standing in the runway the pilot finally gave us an update on what was going on in New York. He told us that the FAA had closed the skies and no inbound flights to the US were allowed to take off. We taxied back to the terminal to get our luggage and finally got to see all the screens in the terminal tuned to CNN. Within minutes the first building went down. By the time we got our luggage the second building had collapse. My best friend and I were stuck in Düsseldorf until Sunday morning. I guess looking back it makes me realize how small the world is. No matter how far we are from each other technology can put you any place in the world in seconds. I got to see what was going on in Europe as the USA was dealing with it. It was the headlines for the entire time I was there. I could not understand what people were saying but the news cameras did not leave the airport the entire time. When it was time for our flight to leave it was escorted by a tank and two huge trucks with military guys. The entire airport was being guarded by guys with machine guns and about a dozen dogs. I will always remember nine eleven.

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    This was the view from my front door. I snapped that on a disposable camera just as the second plane impacted.

    John C.

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hotsauce

    This was the view from my front door. I snapped that on a disposable camera just as the second plane impacted.

    John C.
    I couldnt imagine.

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