I used a painless universal fan wiring kit and spliced it in with the stock fan plug. i have pics of it in my gallery.
Why?..... because stock sucks.
Yeah, I saw that, but I guess I'm not stating my question correctly. I'm interested in the fan-side connection, as in, looking at the fan, there is a plug that has 4 or 5 male leads in it. How did you determine which of those leads went where? Did you get a pigtail w/the fan?
I got the fan from a u-pull junk yard and left about 6 inches of wire on the plug. just touched the wires to the battery to find out whats what.
Viva La 0.1%!!!!!!
As summer rolled around, and my truck has started overheating again, this was becoming somewhat urgent. Cutting into the housing to install the Painless kit wasn't an option, as I didn't want to have to drain the radiator fluid to avoid getting metal shavings in the coolant. Unfortunately the painless kit requires that you cut into the metal b/c the outer sleeve the thermostat sits in also grounds the unit. I figured instead I'd cut the upper radiator hose into 2, go to Lowes and pick up some appropriate diameter piping, drill a hole in the piping to stick the thermostat in, and clamp the ends of the radiator hose to the pipe, and call it a day. Oh, and that I'd have to drill an add'l hole into the pipe to run a ground strap to the engine.
Fast forward to today, after I spent $18.xx to pick up the pieces. Tossing about installation ideas w/a friend, we came to the conclusion that the Painless kit really isn't necessary, as the truck's fan is on all the time anyway, so why not wire an electric fan to be on all the time, too? My search lead me to use the phrase, "isuzu electric fan conversion", which lead me to this thread http://www.itocuk.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16473, which lead me to this site http://www.x-eng.co.uk/X-Fan.asp?MID=4 and more specifically, these:
Exactly what I was envisioning. So, I'll be taking the Lowes stuff back, and if I can find someone stateside making these, I'll be picking one up. If not, I'll be ordering one of these adapters.
I'm also going to looking at having brackets fabbed up so that anyone else wanting to use the Caravan fan setup will have a bolt-on option.
Edit: found 'em!
It even has the extra screw in the piece to run a ground strap to the frame.
Edit, Edit: If you check ebay using the term "radiator hose adapter" you can find the adapter + clamps for ~$10.00
If attempting this mod, you will need the 38mm adapter.
Last edited by eternal21 : 05/31/2011 at 10:02 AM
Yay, a how to:
I'm going with an electric fan soon in the Trooper. I was talking to a friend who builds race trucks and he said just make sure you shroud it good so the airflows over the radiator correctly. I'm not sure what brand I am going with, but I am going to have it hooked up to the ignition with a switch to shut it off if I need to for whatever reason.
Last summer if I was in traffic on a hot day with the A/C on, I'd have to keep an eye on the temp guage and it would climb towards H. Then I checked my codes and found I was running lean due to a dirty MAF. I cleaned it and the VX was a lot slower getting too hot. This weekend I replaced my fan clutch.
I had no idea mine was as bad as it was. Now when I start the VX it sounds like a lion is hiding under the hood it moves so much air. I haven't driven it on a hot day in traffic but I'm hoping that it temp guage sits dead center now and I can relax a little bit...
This week looks like a good week for it. I have a weather forecast thing on my desk that shows 98 and sunny for the next 4 days. The problem is it's hard to leave the Lincoln at home on days like that with its air conditioned seats and all.....
Here is the fan wiring diagram from the 94-95 caravan for those looking to use the electric fan from it.
Well, last night I took the time to put in the 94-95 Voyager fan. I hardwired it to the battery (temporarily) to try it out to see if it would work. On the way home from work, I sat in 98-99 degree temps with the a/c on full blast, in stop and go traffic, and the temp didn't even move to halfway! I then parked in the driveway and kept the a/c on full blast for another 15 mins, the needle never moved! I took pics of everything, so tomorrow I'll write a how-to in the event anyone else decides to go for this mod. All in for under $100, which I think is pretty good.
Look here for another electrcal fan option.
Dunno, man, you paid $285 for all of that. I got in my setup for ~$100 and it's icy....