I was driving back from Florida the other day and stopped off in some podunk town in Illinoise to get gas and some eats. I got gas and then went into the McDonalds inside the station. I ordered my food and then was waiting as a couple of younger crew members came in looking over their shoulders and chuckling. Then they grabbed someone else behind the counter and said, "look at that car at pump 6... thats got to be the UGLIEST car I've ever seen." I just stood there staring at him but said nothing. Then on the way out, I made sure I pulled away really slow in sight of the counter... When I knew he was looking, I just gave him a big ol wave and pulled out... I know they aren't for everyone, but I love my VX... honestly though, I don't mind the negative reactions... I find them quite entertaining.

Just wanted to post my experience.


Coach... aka Randy!