Never heard of the company and never heard of the CUV they call it.

I came across it on the Axiom wiki page. I am trying to convience my mom not to get her third escape but to get an Axiom. But of course consumer reports has 0 info on it.

Here is the website.

And here is the part from wiki.

Design and engineering
One of the reasons for the in comparison low retail price of the Great Wall Hover is that it is based heavily on older models by other manufactures. The entry-level motor is supplied by Mitsubishi, the exterior is based on a '99 Isuzu Axiom and the chassis from a Toyota 4Runner. The Hover has wheelbase of 2700 mm and 1520 mm wheel track. As the Hover is a Crossover Utility Vehicle, it features 4-wheel drive (4WD), however it can be switched to standard 2-wheel drive.