If some of you forgot by now, I have had terrible problems with my VX since March 2007. When I went on a competition to Estonia I dropped my VX off at the Isuzu dealership to:
-tune up
-trans fluid flush and replace
-diff fluid change
-brake job
-oil change
-timing belt change
All in all around $2500 in work done. I had just gone over 100k and wanted to get all the maintenance done at once while I was out of the country. When I got back I drove the VX for a couple of weeks then the transmission started acting up. I took it back to the dealership and they told me that they did not put enough fluid in because they did not run it through the gears, so they refilled and I was on my way. Then problems started to happen again so I took it back three times in the next 3 months with them telling me it must be electrical and they charged me $700 to fix an electrical problem that never existed. Eventually in early July they decided that it was indeed an internal problem and took the transmission apart, they replaced the pump (that I had to order myself on eBay because they could not find it) and solenoid, and then put it back together. It did not fix the problem when I finally got it back in September. So I told them I was going to Aamco and getting it fixed and I would send them the bill and they said they would "try" to get me reimbursed. Aamco starts out telling me it will be $2200 for rebuild then they say there is $1000 in additional parts and then they say they have to get another solenoid and that is another $200 so now I am looking at a $3400 trans rebuild cost or $3800 with their 3 year warranty on the trans job. Putting $4k in the trans seems ridiculous but I had no choice and they knew it. Now I guess I will pick the VX up pay the $3800 and hope and pray that the Isuzu dealership owns up to breaking my VX.

Sorry I just had to vent and get that out it really has been terrible going through this for the last 7 months. Thanks for this awesome site and the awesome unique people with the common bond of an awesome unique vehicle......