That's another problem with message boards, people tend to interpret the medium of the written word too literally in whatever way it suits them best. While admittedly I do sometimes become a bit abstract, it doesn't mean I'm ignorant to the modern-day practicalities of purchasing and maintaining a dedicated server for the purpose of hosting a website (as reported in this thread - LOOK & THINK ). That said, I don't think I misinterpreted the "Labor of Love" statement posted on the site incorrectly for the purpose of defending my statement.

Despite the namecalling, I do appreciate the efforts and contributions of both this websites' creator and it's supporters. All I can claim to have done to date is chipped in a few guests when the server was being upgraded, and donated some of my time these last couple of years when responding with any information that I could to questions posed by other members.

But with that said, I'll apologize in advance for getting abstract again, but I'm sorry, I just couldn't help being reminded of the South Park episode dealing with Hybrids as I was rereading this thread along with the one linked above. It was along those lines I made my "l33t" reference earlier, and not the subject of monetary contribution...or lack thereof as has so tactfully been indicated.