I don't know how I feel about this one....in general. The red light cameras do not bother me, in fact I like them. Red light running is bad in these parts. You better count three, look both ways, then go when the light goes green. I want these people stopped. The speed cameras are another matter. The "test" cameras on 95, had their lenses painted black, within a few days A bit later, a more permanent solution was found...seems they have a small hole on the top, (ventilation?) and if one were to take a 2 dollar tube of expandable construction foam, and spray it in the hole....well, the game is over The offending cameras were removed Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour At any rate, our little town is going twentyfirst century. The black Suburbans, and Charger first, then a chopper...now this. The struggle for personal freedom continues