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Thread: A new poll. Speed Cameras

  1. #1
    Member Since
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    A new poll. Speed Cameras

    1. Hate 'em...they're not fair...etc. 2. In favor of them...they make the roads up police...etc. 3. A target!....paint 'em black!

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    Or...#4. It doesn't really matter to me, I usually drive the speed limit cuz I'd hate for any of my VX mods budget to go instead, for ticket$.
    Also, I don't understand why everyone is in such a big hurry, we'll all be dead soon enough & the three minutes you saved won't mean spit.
    I officially withdraw my entry in the ratrace.
    Last edited by Ldub : 12/15/2007 at 06:04 PM

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Member Since
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    Combo of #1 and #2 and #3. I hate the idea of the camera catching me but would rather get a ticket in the mail than having to deal with some arrogant prick of a cop who wants to search my VX and tell me I should be wearing a seat belt! So paint the camera after it catches you! P.S. Yes, I know not all cops are arrogant pricks. Just most of them...
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    Around here they just started using them. Here you'd have to be a total idiot to get a ticket from one since the police department post on their website daily where they will be set up! Right now it seems they are setting them up a lot in school zones...a good thing if you have youngsters!
    Billy Oliver
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  6. #6
    Member Since
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    Agreed. Using them in certain situations ie. school lights, is a plus

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    Big brother is watching you.
    George Orwell 1984
    Don't have them here yet, but I am sure they are coming.

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    doesn't bother me none... I've ran a few and never got the ticket in the mail, but i've slowed down now. cant afford to beautify my baby if I have to pay for being stupid. i've never been bothered by a cop in the VX any ways, but i guess there'll come a time, and it'll be a big ticket if it takes much longer

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    Combo of #1 and #2 and #3. I hate the idea of the camera catching me but would rather get a ticket in the mail than having to deal with some arrogant prick of a cop who wants to search my VX and tell me I should be wearing a seat belt! So paint the camera after it catches you! P.S. Yes, I know not all cops are arrogant pricks. Just most of them...
    you SHOULD be wearing a seatbelt. It's sorta like brushing your teeth in the morning...prevents bad outcomes.


  10. #10
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    Yeah, on one hand, I definitely hate the inconvienience and hassle of getting pulled over real time. On the other hand, I think it is "unfair" and "unsportsmanlike". And the real problem, is that I think it is in some sort of way, a pathway to Big Brother having cameras just about everywhere but your master bathroom. It spells trouble if you ask me, just like the friggin seat belt laws.

    Has anyone tried the stuff you spray over your plates to make the flash reflect and render the photo of your plates useless?


  11. #11
    Member Since
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    [QUOTE=nfpgasmask;114084]And the real problem, is that I think it is in some sort of way, a pathway to Big Brother having cameras just about everywhere but your master bathroom. It spells trouble if you ask me, just like the friggin seat belt laws. [QUOTE]

    It's WAY too late to worry about time you go to Walmart, look up at the roofline & see how many cameras you can count.

    [QUOTE]Has anyone tried the stuff you spray over your plates to make the flash reflect and render the photo of your plates useless?[QUOTE]'s useless, per mythbusters episode.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    Yeah, on one hand, I definitely hate the inconvienience and hassle of getting pulled over real time. On the other hand, I think it is "unfair" and "unsportsmanlike". And the real problem, is that I think it is in some sort of way, a pathway to Big Brother having cameras just about everywhere but your master bathroom. It spells trouble if you ask me, just like the friggin seat belt laws.

    Has anyone tried the stuff you spray over your plates to make the flash reflect and render the photo of your plates useless?

    It is worthless, they changed the flash mechanisms some time ago

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottinMA View Post
    you SHOULD be wearing a seatbelt. It's sorta like brushing your teeth in the morning...prevents bad outcomes.

    Deja Vu...

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    There's a fair amount of research to indicate that red-light cameras are mostly a wash (some studies showing increased accidents, some showing a reduction) - and that far more accidents could be avoided simply by increasing the duration of the yellow light by just 1 second. Of course changing the timing on the lights doesn't increase revenues for the locals or for the traffica camera vendors.

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    If they do not want me running th ered light they should keep the green light on when I am coming. We cant all afford to be escorted around town or to our local NFL teams game by tyhe cops.

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