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Thread: Moab ZuZoo XI 2008

  1. #16
    Member Since
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    2001, IronMan White, #440
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    Thumbs up The Portal Campground

    Since we are talking about Moab............what about moving the Headquarters for ZuZu back the the Portal Campground? Last year someone moved the ZuZu HQs to a campground 10 miles north of Moab. It was o.k. but nothing like the Portal Campground.

    What are everyones thoughts?

    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  2. #17
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomdietrying View Post
    Since we are talking about Moab............what about moving the Headquarters for ZuZu back the the Portal Campground? Last year someone moved the ZuZu HQs to a campground 10 miles north of Moab. It was o.k. but nothing like the Portal Campground.

    What are everyones thoughts?


    Probably want to bring that up over on the 4x4Wire since the organizers are over there. I like Portal and may stay there regardless (just swing by the other place to see where I will be heading the next day). Will probably want to check first to make sure Portal didn't go through with their plans to doze it and turn it into a Class A motorhome park (that is why they changed locations in the first place). Did you stay at the other campground last year Tom? How was it? The advantage of staying at HQ is the convinience.
    Billy Oliver
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  3. #18
    Member Since
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    Yeah, I stayed there last year. Appearence wise eveything was the same. I think the plan they were going to do has been scaled back.

  4. #19
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    Tom, I started a thread on the 4xWire to discuss the camping/HQ option. Chime in there and maybe we can convince them! Sounds like others agree that Portal was a better location/option.

    The list of VXers is growing and it looks like we may have our biggest showing yet!

  5. #20
    Member Since
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    I would put a post on 4x4 if I could figure out how. Anyway, I saw where Gizzy42 said there weren't many camping spots at the Portal. I checked the map and there was plenty of group camping. I'm not sure exactly what he was talking about.

    I'll keep checking the 4x4 thread to see what everyone thinks.


  6. #21
    Member Since
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    OK Im new to this MOAB thing ...Im looking on GOOGLE MAPS ..were do we do the fun stuff at..I got moab on the map but were is the trail...

  7. #22
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    If you go to google earth & search Moab UT you will see little blue icons all around town that indicate different spots on the trails.(click on them for pics) Zoom in a bit & you can see the black rubber marks on the trails left by countless vehicles.
    Also look around Arches & Canyonlands NP & take a virtual side trip to Monument Valley (South of Moab) & click on the pic icons there...Beautiful!
    Maybe someone else will chime in with other locations...
    Last edited by Ldub : 12/30/2007 at 08:12 AM

  8. #23
    Member Since
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    For anyone who wants to join me for some Mt. Biking on the Monday before the VX run I checked into rentals. Poison Spider Bikes rents very nice bikes for $40 a day. They recommend that you reserve at least 3 weeks ahead of time. Anyone interested?

    Also, lets get the ball rolling for the VX run. What trail does everyone thing we should do. Remember we want to keep it in the 3.5 rating or lower so as to not scare off any new guys! Should be a scenic trail also to keep evryone interested (not that there are many trails there that lack scenery).
    So what is everyones suggestions? Remember the trail will have to be known by someone so they can lead. I will start to do some homework and see what I can dig up. I got a new GPS for Xmas, so that should help also!

  9. #24
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by don moore View Post
    OK Im new to this MOAB thing ...Im looking on GOOGLE MAPS ..were do we do the fun stuff at..I got moab on the map but were is the trail...

    There are numerous trails. Most start outside of town either to the south or north on highway 191. A few start east or west at the edge of town. For a good idea of a lot of the more popular trails take a look at the red rock 4 wheelers club web site. They have trail difficulty ratings (will help you determine what trails you are capable of) and descriptions. You will find photos there as well!
    Hope this helps. You definately should won't regret it. Just ask anyone who was a first timer last year.

  10. #25
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    Todd Adams....paging Todd Adams!
    Are you going to be joining us this year? Sure hope so. Your knowledge and expertise of the trails would surely be missed.

  11. #26
    Member Since
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    I'm sure that you would crush me, but I am interested in doing some mountain biking before the VX run. I'll bring my own bike, so no need for a rental.

    Don't really have an opinion on a trail for the VX only run right now. I'll do a little more research and throw my two cents in.
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  12. #27
    Member Since
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    Billy, I contacted Todd a couple of days ago about the same thing. He's going to know a little bit more about his work schedule after the new year.
    Hopefully, things will work out for him this year.

    What about Scott (Moncha)? I noticed he hasn't said yeah or ney on ZuZu either?

  13. #28
    Member Since
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    One more thing Billy.......tell me your itinerary for going to Moab.............are you still thinking about doing a day at Canyon de Chelly to check out the ruins there.

    If you want to do a cool hike on Sunday, I know of a cool one. I'm saying Sunday because I know you have mountan biking plans on Monday. It's in the Cedar Mesa Area not far from where we did Hotel Rock for the VX Run VIII. It's called the Citadel Ruins. Here's a site to check it out.

    BTW - This is an open invite to anyone VXers who will be out in the four corners region during that time.


  14. #29
    Member Since
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  15. #30
    Member Since
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    I still plan on hiking in Canyon de Chelly. It is one of those places I've wanted to go for quite some time. That will probably be on Sun morning. Then I can drive up to Moab Sun night set up camp and get up early the next day for the Mt. Biking.

    MSH...don't worry about keeping up. I will be riding at an enjoyable pace. I have very little Mt Bike experience. So what I have in fitness will be outweighed by my lack of technical skills! I am thinking maybe slickrock trail unless I get a recomendation of something better. It is somewhat legandary in the Mt Bike world.

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