It never used to bother me, I was never a fan, but it didn't register. 40 bucks a day/ ok, my wife watched it sometimes. Slowly, the loathing began....I don't even know when...The shortened words..."Taste this, it's delish" "No prob, Bob" "You got a prob? I got the Solush" The expanding waistline...the downpointers.....She's on my radio! She's on my TV! She's on my G^%#@#N Ritz crackers!!! I can't get a donut and coffee, without seeing HER! I now Email D.D. a minium of once a day to spit some venom...a reminder comes up every time I turn on the "puter" Her husbands band is pathetically suckful too!!!! How do I get in the audience to throw rotten vegetables...midevil style. It's been awhile since anyone annoyed me so much. Join me in the anti R.R. movement