Well, as if my Xmas vacation couldnt get any worse, today took the cake.

Took the VX in for a scheduled oil change this morning. Dropped the keys with the clerk and went back to settle into the lounge and watch tv until they gave me a hollar. Well, not too much later, I heard the hollar. It came in the form of a high revving engine, a crashing sound, someone screaming "Sh*t!!" and another screaming "Oh f!@#!!".

I thought to myself, nah, that has nothing to do with my VX. How wrong I was. The shop manager came back and said they had a problem with my VX and to follow him into the shop. There, I found my VX pancaking 2 large toolchests up against a concrete wall. The guy who pulled it in tried to tell me something went wrong with my brakes. Funny, after 45k miles, I have never had a brake issue, yet he finds one moving it 50ft from a parking space to the bay? Sorry, that excuse has been used too many times to be worthy.

The damages could have been worse, were it not for the brushguard that Tone offers. However, since its simply a show-bar, it managed to crunch in and mangle the L/R fender as well as the hood. All 3 will definitely need to be "replaced", but that will be a different story once the shop's insurance burns the witch at the stake. It is drivable, but damned ugly with a bungie cord holding the hood shut. The brushguard is toast since it was bent to hell and a spot weld mount broke.

The shop manager "seemed" completely willing to cooperate and made the insurance claim already. He just needs me to get 2 estimates to give to him so he can present them to their insurance. I am a 2 year customer of theirs so hopefully, they respect that and dont try to pull some shady !@#$.

In the end, its just a hunk of metal and nobody was hurt, but it still bothers me that the tech had to try to weasel out of it with "the breaks didnt work" when there was clearly a 4ft skidmark on the bay floor leading up to the toolboxes. Dude, just say you screwed up. Accidents happen and thats understood. Your lying on top of about $3-5K of damages, vehicle and tools/toolboxes, only adds to the disgust.

Thanks prick.