So i waisted my first full tank and i have great news about my consumption of Gas. So Remember that i was waisting like 230-250 miles a tank, you do the math and thats about 10.5 MPG.

So well now the new results for my VX Finally drving like a champ and now i'm making from 350-370 miles per tank. so thats 16 mpg. and i still need to buy a new air filter and maybe a few more things here and there to help with mpg.

So yeah i have gain pretty much about 6 extra miles per gallon saving me a total of $31.50 per week and a total of $126.00 per month on gas if i drove it 5 days a week 70 miles a day, witch is what i travel every day to and from work, at $3.50 a gallon, witch i don't drive very day anyways, I car pool. but yeah there you go guys Thats crazy what a stuped little connector can do to your VX.