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Thread: The all steroid league

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    2001 Ebony 0177
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    The all steroid league

    As you well informed folks are aware, our congress is currently embroiled in an investigation of the use of steroids and human growth hormones in professional sports guys. War, rising health costs, global warming, 4buck gas, millions of pounds of tainted beef, impending inflation, the mortgage meltdown, a still flattened New Orleans, prisons bursting at the seams from overcrowding, rampant development and the collapse of the ecosystem, the dying oceans, uncontrolled population growth, the near meltdown state of our urban educational systems.......these all pale in comparison to whether or not a bunch of guys playing a game....chasing a frigging ball of some sort....whether these knuckleheads did or did not use performance enhancing drugs and substances. WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin??? Who cares??? Why is my congress wasting time on this bull$#!&, is my question. I propose the ALL STEROID LEAGUE! Think about this now....600ft. home-runs.....85yd. field goals....a 4 point games like gladiators on with more than three points in a game....boxing....yikes! Now that is something I'd pay for! 150mph fastball....heck yeah! Congress wants to do something cool for sports.... let them pass the "Cocaine and stuff is legal if you're a pro sports player" law. Which form of the games do you think would be more popular? I like a dude that hits 75 home-runs a season. Get my government out of sports. This whole thing is retarded....who cares what guys chasing a ball do??? They are not role models, they play games for a living! Let them be ALL they can be. (of course you all know, I also advocate the return of the Gladiator games and public executions) This must be an issue to someone. Do you guys really care that much? Is a congressional investigation actually called for? Maybe I'm off here.

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Oct 2006
    2001 Ironman
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chopper View Post
    .......these all pale in comparison to whether or not a bunch of guys playing a game.... WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE? Why is my congress wasting time on this bull$#!&, is my question. Get my government out of sports. This whole thing is retarded....
    Agreed, Chopper.

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  3. #3
    Member Since
    Dec 2004
    '99 VX Astral Silver #0949
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    I agree 100%.
    No one is digging up Kenny Easley, to ask him about steroids.
    They think that the "past time" of Baseball is federally protected from being a monopoly, it gives them some sort of excuse to butt in.
    But in reality, it's to distract us away from.......................................
    "their lack of moral compass"
    Sometimes I Wonder......
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    Then It Hits Me

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Feb 2006
    2001,Kaiser Silver, VX, 0563
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    agreed.. its stupidly excessive... and even if they are on steroids.. its not like thats why they are good.. ive known people who've taken all sorts of stuff and body builders who put some of those athletes to shame.. and theres no way any of them would be able to even bunt a 95mph fast ball much less hit one 400+ feet... its not like steroids are taking the skill out of the game

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