Do a search on gatorback coatings. I am about to do mine with it. Should be superior.
Do a search on gatorback coatings. I am about to do mine with it. Should be superior.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on me.
Beau, when do you plan on doing this? I really want to paint my cladding but if you are gonna do it soon I will wait to see the results.
I've also bought the Gatorback.....200 bucks....Haven't had the time to pull the cladding off to do it. I've seen it on an Avalanche looks great.
I should be ordering it within the week. I am occupied with winch mounting issues currently. It is somewhat spendy, but for the time it takes me to apply the cladding treatment every time I wash it or it rains(and streaks), it becomes cost effective very quickly for me.
Well i looked at there site but from what i can tell and the impression it gives me is that this is more of just a thing to keep that black look. I really want something that will not scratch should a rock or other hard object be scraped along the side. Thats why my immediate thoughts turn to rhino lining type coatings. Or is this gator stuff like what i want?
Who washes their VX 3 times a month? Sick people you are! I'm lucky to wash mine every 3 months!
If I ever get around to doing mine (not enough scars yet) it will be Line-X unless something better comes along before that time. Be aware though...none of these products are going to not scratch if you are contacting rocks. They will help but ae not armour. Some body armour will be your best bet for that. Rock sliders, front and rear bumpers, skid plates and maybe some tube fenders might do the trick (along with good driver/spotter skills). In the end though if you want to play you have to be prepared for what ever may come out of it.Knivx Rocks and junk
Well i looked at there site but from what i can tell and the impression it gives me is that this is more of just a thing to keep that black look. I really want something that will not scratch should a rock or other hard object be scraped along the side. Thats why my immediate thoughts turn to rhino lining type coatings. Or is this gator stuff like what i want?
Ask Larry how I handled putting my VX on its side on the wall on Hells Gate. Didn't phase me in the least. I stayed calm and trusted my spotter to get me out of a sticky wife on the other hand didn't handle it so well when she saw the pictures!
Billy Oliver
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