I'm right there with you. I had all four wisdom teeth removed (two where impacted and where taken out by the dentist putting his knee in my chest for leverage), and had periodontal surgery all in one sitting about eight years ago. I hadn't been to a dentist in a VERY long time, and my teeth started to hurt so I made an appointment and found out that I had bone loss in my upper and lower jaw around my teeth. During the surgery they make an incision in your gums on the back side of your teeth and basically pull the gums down until they hit bone then stitch them up (I'm sure dakinechic will know what I'm talking about). That leaves a LOT of exposed tooth root so now even tap water it just too darn cold for me. The moral of the story is; no matter how freaked out you are by the dentist...GO and go often (now I go four times a year). Also...floss like there's no tomorrow.
One funny story did come out of all this. About a month after the surgery I headed down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and my teeth where still uber sensitive, but I wasnt' going to miss out on the party so I ended up microwaving my beer to heat it up to the point where it was tolerable for me. The looks that all of my friends gave me as I was zapping my beer was almost worth all of the pain.
With all of that said, your wisdom teeth should heal up pretty quickly and you'll be back to eating flaming hot Cheeto's in no time.
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless